Who Really Created Our Bodies?

Who Really Created Our Bodies?

When I look at us humans, I really begin to wonder who has designed such a helpless, fragile, and dependent being. No other being I know of is quite as helplessly exposed to the challenges of life like a human.

No insect, fish, animal of any kind, no plant, tree, flower. All these can perfectly well take care of themselves — there is no healthcare system, no ministry of education with all that entails, no governance of any kind, no trade agreements, no politicians (heaven forbid), no banking system, and, of course, nothing even resembling money.

No industries, no transportation systems (and some birds and even landbound animals cover enormous distances if need be), no construction of factories, roads, bridges, cars, no fabrication of clothing, and no need for cell phones, computers, and the like.

No religions either.

And the crown of creation, the human being, then should come into existence as the most fragile of all created beings?

I cannot get my head around such a concept.

Are we living in a trap?

So, maybe our bodies have been devised as a trap?

A bodily trap in which we as limitless spirit-beings are caught?

And a consciousness trap we have to reside in without knowing who we are, where we are, where we came from, and where we best return to?

We could command unlimited creational powers, but we do not remember any longer that we are intrinsically interwoven with such powers. Something or someone else, who devised this bodily consciousness trap and who is not of human origin, found ways to manipulate us into using our creational powers to build and maintain this trap we are now caught in.

How did we get in there?

What would be some of the key ingredients to achieve such a feat?

First, a devolutionary process would have to be managed in which the body used by spirit beings for their incarnation is transformed such that the level of consciousness and awareness of the incarnated entity is limited in ever greater ways. Thus, upon incarnating we would lose more and more of our capacity to remember who we are.

Secondly, you would need to create a programming tool to direct the will and power of the captured souls in ways that make them live and support your own agenda. The programming would have to start as early as possible, i.e., in kindergarten and school.

The author John Taylor Gatto called this programming tool “weapons of mass instruction,” which is also the title of his corresponding book. This programming encompasses all aspects of our “reality,” like where we are (on a small round ball in an endless universe?) and who we are (the result of a biological evolutionary process?).

How do we get out?

If you doubt that you have been told the truth about your origin and your purpose here, and if you realize that it is time not only to begin searching for the truth but to come together and reconnect to our source and to bring this knowledge and state of being back into this realm, then I would like to invite you to begin this journey with me as described in my book Awakening.

I look forward to getting to know you.

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