If you have previously read some of my other blog posts, you have most likely gained some idea of my understanding how the world we live in has been made the way we experience it day to day.
It might even make you feel somewhat helpless to realize that not much in your life, if anything, is the way you understood it to be. In fact, and I will write about this in more detail in a future blog post, our physical bodies have been manipulated in such a way that they form an almost perfect prison for our soul.
What should have become obvious by now is, that none of what we do, none of the options we think we have, can set us free or bring us closer to an inner knowing about our true nature as living beings.
Those that have changed and manipulated our world into the state it is now in, those beings have also made sure that we stay oblivious to who we are and to where they want to get with us. Because of our bodily needs we must constantly do whatever it takes to provide for these needs, according to the rules that the earthly controllers have set.
To clearly realize in what situation we are and to understand what this means is the mandatory first step on our path to Awakening/Enlightenment/Ascension. If one doesn’t face this reality in all its aspects, one will not be willing to do what needs to be done. Because we must embark on a mission that will require us to put our journey back home into the center of all our future endeavors, and it will require us to leave our participation in the world as we know it for the most part behind, especially the way we are currently generating our income.
Where we want to go to is a place where nobody will be required to do anything at all to provide for themselves. But those of us that are here on Earth to embark on this path will have to build the bridge from here to there, we will have to open the doors to the realities and energies that are being withheld from humanity and Earth at this time.
So how can we get onto this path and what will be required for us to undertake this endeavor? What we need to be clear about in the beginning is that we must begin our journey while being in the bodily state we are now in, with all the restrictions and limitations that this forces upon us. Since we have to start our journey in this restricted state, we must provide for our bodily needs like shelter, food, clothing, protection from the elements of nature, and so on, while not being engaged any longer in any activity that normally is necessary to provide for these needs.
So, at the onset we need to make sure that the financial prerequisites to provide for the needs of a group of about 30 to 50 aspirants can be made available. It is my understanding that within the circle of souls and beings that have come to Earth in these times (the volunteer souls), there are those that have taken upon themselves the task to generate the financial means for exactly this purpose.
Even without having secured the financial means as described above, we will begin to prepare ourselves for our actual journey to our Awakening. An Awakening that we do not want to achieve in the first place solely for ourselves, but that will become the Awakening for this whole realm of being that we exist in.
Those that feel called to be part of this group should get in touch with me, so that we may begin to prepare our joint plan of action. We need to determine the ideal location where we would like to come together as a group (where we all are allowed to legally stay, and where we will be able to pursue our endeavors without being subjected to such measures as they have been enforced during the C-years). We must be prepared to leave our current lives behind for at least 3 to 4 months. We will then need to discuss how our day-to-day life as an Awakening group will look like.
Here I will share my preliminary ideas of how the Awakening group might go about its task.
The goal of the group will be to find a way to reconnect with our Source of being, to recall who we are, where we came from, and to realize what has been done to disconnect us from this state. Once we have built this connection, we will bring this prior state of being into our physical presence in this realm of being, and it will affect any incarnated human being on Earth because all our physical bodies are energetically connected. This is the reason why the volunteer/lightworker souls had to incarnate physically, because only out of this incarnated state can they reach earthbound humanity. This is no longer possible from an ethereal state of being.
I imagine that our group will determine techniques and ways that will allow first for a healing or at least easing of our emotional and psychological hurts and challenges, so that we can transition into a peaceful and content state of being. At the beginning of each day, we will be sharing our nightly dreams, exchange Reiki treatments, and engage in Kundalini or other yoga-classes and similar activities that will lead and prepare us for joint meditations; for example, using techniques as taught by Dr. Joe Dispenza. During these meditations, our collective goal should be to connect to what Dr. Joe calls the quantum field of unlimited possibilities. And while journeying there with our essence, we will pursue the quest as outlined above.
I am convinced that the people that will come together in this way and embark jointly on this journey have come into this lifetime to accomplish exactly this. Each person in the group will carry a part of a greater whole. These traits, parts, and energies will be brought into resonance to allow for the Awakening to take place. This is nothing a single being on their own would be able to accomplish in this realm of being, as our bodily vessels no longer allow for it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you, and for us to begin to make this group come into existence.
As this group will only consist of 30 to 50 people, you may wonder whether this is the only way to become part of this process of Awakening. Not at all. First of all, this group is joining together for ALL of humanity and for all beings on all levels of consciousness. And secondly, my book ‘Awakening’ will be a bridge that will connect you with the energy and work of our group, and through this all readers will radiate these constantly rising energies out into their surroundings. I would also encourage the forming of local subgroups that may connect through meditation with the core group. It will just have to be a very silent doing, as our work will be passive and is intended to benefit every single being in this realm of being. We will have to surrender to how the higher vibrational energies will transform this world we used to know.
I ask you to listen within, and if you hear the call to join in with this endeavor, please heed it!