What Doesn't Work - Stefan Becker - Awakening

What doesn’t work

I am aware that I am repeating and reiterating contents to my readers that do not seem to be very uplifting. You might rather want to feel that you can go on living your life, spend some thoughts or do some deeds here and there, and in the end all will be well.

Very unfortunately, this won’t happen.

What is required of the volunteers/lightworkers is not only a mental commitment. It is required of them to make sure that the awakening process always comes first, and everything else comes second, including their way of making money in this 3D world, because time runs out on us.

How can I say that things are in such dire straits?

These days I came across a rather shocking, albeit very helpful video. It has been made over a decade ago, an interview with a woman who is citing from an official NASA paper from July 2001. This paper details very well the plans ‘our’ government had back then with us, the people. It is basically a declaration of war against the US populace. And the interview in the video makes this very clear to the viewer. Now when this video got produced, a lot of the atrocities cited in the NASA paper had been implemented already. So, this video was meant to be a wake-up call for people to put a stop to these hideous endeavors while they were still able to do it.

Looking back at this video now from over 10 years later, it shows us one thing clearly, and that is: what doesn’t work.

It doesn’t work to look the truth in the eyes and then to continue living in the prison world that has been built around us. Amongst other issues, the video also made it convincingly clear that the two political parties in the US are two sides of the same medal. They simply are tools to further the same agenda, just giving us the illusion that we could ‘choose’ (or vote for) someone else if the one in power screws up. If you don’t believe this, just watch the video.

Meanwhile, as I write this, in Germany the files of the main health agency (which advised the German government on health issues during the C-crisis) have been released to the public in full, without the previous blackening out of some of the contents. The files contain all evidence that this health agency had available during the C-years. To quickly get to the point: There had been NO scientific evidence which would have allowed for the drastic measures taken against the population. The whole thing had been solely based on political concerns and political agendas. Does this knowledge help us now in any way or get us any further towards a better life? No. The mainstream and most of the social media simply ignore these facts and guide people into one manipulative narrative after another, for example, the climate agenda. So, to just research the truth and to know what is happening won’t change a thing.

So, what does then?

To make yourself aware of the fact that everything in this world that you seem to know so well has been created and manipulated to keep you mentally and physically imprisoned and cut off from your true origin. This includes the most recent design of the human body. This body design has only been in existence for about the last 170 years at the most. Prior to that, humanity existed in a state that reflected the previous manipulated reset and the simultaneous devolutionary degradation of the human body. This previous state had been a paradise compared to where we are now, yet it had also been the result of a long degradation process.

How did things look 180 years ago?

A rudimentary connection to the elemental world had still been intact, which meant that growing food had not been a big issue as this was being looked after by the elementals. The same applied to the worldwide weather which was also being looked after by the elementals, and which was in a peaceful balance. All manual labour in regards to creating beautiful building structures, clothing, or other things for daily use was also under the aegis of the elementals, and humans were only the creating power that formed in their minds the blueprint of what needed to be built or created. There was still some remote understanding within humanity of their own origin, although they weren’t so easily capable anymore in transiting back home. This difficulty was also caused by the prevailing cosmic energies (please read about the Mayan calendar in my other posts or my book for more on this).

The last big reset instigated by the earth-controlling powers (about 150 years ago) then produced the bodily vessel we reside in now. This body needs a constant supply of food and water, it is a helpless victim to temperature changes, and it depends on a constant supply of goods that must be obtained from an outside system that threatens to turn off this supply at any moment, should you no longer abide by the rules. One of these strange rules is that you seem to be forced to constantly work for essentials necessary for your bare survival.

One of the very first steps is to abandon the illusion that the supposed reality you experience with your bodily existence is reflecting your natural reality. It is not. It has been artificially created to make you completely dependant and controllable. Those who seem to be ‘experts’ in this world are the ones that have studied this body of ours and have understood its limitations. They cannot guide us out of our predicament, because first of all they need to understand what their role in our world is. It is to keep the status quo intact and to prevent any form of recollection or waking up to who we are and how we got to where we are.

What we will be accomplishing together is that we will reconnect our whole being to our Source, and we will then remove all manipulations that have been done to our body and to our being.

To embark upon this journey (which is really the only journey that makes any sense at all) will mean that you develop the willingness to leave all aspects and priorities of your current life behind. No more work in the system in whichever way. No more planning on new material possessions or concerns regarding retirement fonds or such. You must jump wholeheartedly into the awakening process.

If you don’t do that, the process detailed in the video will play itself out to its end, and everything you thought you had, including your soul, will be taken from you.

So, join in and become part of our awakening community.

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