In many of my previous blog articles I have laid out how we and the world we live in have been manipulated in ways that not only prevent our awakening but also prevent us from gaining an awareness about the true nature of our being. Due to an alien interference, our consciousness exists in a form of darkness that prevents us even from realizing what serves our well being and what doesn’t. We are being programmed with imposed information through multiple channels and have been taught to value information and ‘knowledge’ imparted from the outside higher than any inkling that may be arising from within us.
Of fundamental importance is our understanding of how we may, can, or have to provide and care for ourselves. We have been led to implement a society that has been created in such way that it has removed nearly all of us from being able to provide for our basic needs directly on our own. We have been tied down into complex processes in which we fulfill a small role that hopefully pays us enough money to fulfill our basic needs, e.g., food, clothing, shelter, transportation (yes, I count this as a basic need, because in most cases we must be able to get to where we can buy food, and of course we must be able to get back and forth to our workplace), and others. For an increasing number of our fellow humans there is not much money left once the above needs have been met, and to take part in social life and find ways to allow some space for leisure experiences and expenses like going out, taking a vacation, participate in social events, maintaining our communication infrastructure etc., there is precious little left to accomplish this.
Back in the 70’s, most products were still being produced in the country we were living in. Clothing, shoes, TV’s, cars, small and large household appliances, cutlery, dishes, and so on. When buying something we had an idea of how that item came into being. We knew people who were involved in the respective industries, and we thought that we had at least an effect on the impact on humans and the environment that resulted from certain ways of manufacturing items. Back then we already dealt with a mixed bag though, because we were being manipulated by media, school, politics, and ‘science’.
Nowadays a large portion of the workplaces that were still there in the 70’s are gone. Where did they go? Either they have been replaced by technology (and this trend is accelerating through AI ever more), or they have been sourced out to continents and countries where the cost of labor is much cheaper than in our country.
Back in the 70’s, we could witness under which conditions people had to work. And let’s be honest, there were a lot of jobs that – although they were essential for our society – everybody who could manage it would try to avoid at all cost; jobs that exposed you to the elements, that were monotonous, strenuous, noisy, dusty, repetitive, and that of course did not pay well. In many cases, our guiding light to the jobs we deemed preferable was convenience and of course the amount of obtainable income. Why were those essential but undesirable jobs being paid so low and other, more comfortable and convenient jobs so much more? If you wish to find out more in this regard, I provide answers to these questions in my previous blog posts.
Back then you would have had a much clearer idea than nowadays of what you have set into motion by your purchasing decisions.
And here we come to the invisible effects of interconnectedness.
The rulers of this world have taken well advantage of the specific energies of the 6th and 7th wave of creation (please refer to my other blog articles and my book Awakening for more information on the creational waves according to Carl Johan Calleman) to turn our world into one of separateness and division. They also managed to disconnect us from our awareness of our own inner divine spark, and through multiple worldwide resets they were able to erase our memory of who we are and where we came from. Due to their many interferences, humans ended up as the vulnerable and dependent beings we see today. The fulfillment of all our needs was delegated to systems that had to be organized according to the specifications of the alien rulers of our realm of being. And that is where all the money goes. Those that perform these organizing and controlling tasks according to the requirements of the alien rulers will receive the most income for their effort. The goal is to keep humanity tied down to the low vibrating energies of previous creational waves and to prevent us from ever getting into resonance with the current higher vibrating creational waves of our universe, namely, the 8th and 9th creational waves.
On the surface, we might think that we have found ways to remove us from any involvement with the plight of most of humanity. Maybe we concluded that there are possibilities to disconnect us from the way this world functions by choosing carefully what we consume, or by pursuing ways of gaining our income that support our (wealthy) clients in their well being, by providing them with ‘wisdom’ or inspiration, by assisting them in managing their stress levels, lifting their emotional condition, offering physical exercise classes, or any such things. Thereby we might think that we have disconnected us from being involved in the main driving force of our world, i.e., the agenda of the earth-controlling powers.
We are meant to think so, as it provides us with the illusion that we have accomplished as much as we can in this world. In the end though, we are much more involved in maintaining a world according to the requirements of the alien rulers than we would ever want to imagine. How so? Our rulers had to implement a way that would lead every human being to spiritually compromise themselves and by that to prevent them from achieving an awakening into their true being. All the worldly systems have been set up long before the energies of the 8th and 9th creational waves provided the energetical framework that would allow for such an awareness and awakening. These powers knew that they had to take precautions early on to set the world and humanity up in a way that would prevent an awakening. One of the main issues here is our interconnectedness.
Yes, you consume only the finest organic food, wear the most responsible clothing, and pursue an esoteric profession. But interconnectedness goes all the way through anything you involve yourself in. It does not stop before it reaches the very end of the chain.
So, to escape any negative backlash on yourself caused by any imbalance in the things you involve yourself in, you would have to research, for example, how your clients generate their income that they use to pay you for your services. And you are surely aware of the fact that the vast majority of your fellow humans wouldn’t even be able to afford your services as they are at the end of their financial rope when they have managed to provide for the absolute essentials. So, in the esoteric sector or related fields, your clients are probably in many ways involved in the maintaining of the controlled and manipulated world I have been writing about in many previous blog articles. You really would have to investigate what your clients are involved in to generate their income. Furthermore, you would have to research what your clients’ employers might set into motion elsewhere in the world by their business methods, until you have accounted for all their workers and working environments that effect people and nature, before you could be sure that you have disconnected yourself from the driving force of our worldly society, that is, the control, manipulation, and exploitation of the majority of people. This is pretty much impossible, and deliberately so. Because through our interconnectedness everyone is being tied together and nobody can escape. And to make things worse, through the services you provide your clients with, they are becoming ever more able to successfully further their own career and business success – because they can delude themselves.
We could now start a discussion about my understanding and many of you would probably be able to disprove what I have just set out above.
In my understanding, such disproving is only possible because we are completely unaware of how interconnectedness works. Everything we set into motion seeks for balance. If the white garments that you wear when recording your spiritual video podcast have been produced by abused people somewhere two continents away, then their related suffering and exploitation for the provision of your garments will extract a balancing effect from you. If there is no adequate monetary compensation for the people providing their time and workforce, then other ways of compensation must and will be found. This will, either immediately or eventually, happen in ways that relate to your life and will balance the damage done. Thus, it could be manifesting in health problems for you, in an accident, in emotional mistreatment, depression, a natural disaster that affects you, through the breakdown of important equipment that you need, or you might be hindered from attending an important event that is meant to generate new clients, and so on. You might not see it that way, but this is how it works anyway and it does this very successfully so, as you can observe in the ways the world develops on a larger scale.
By continuing to stay in the manipulated earthly system we currently exist in, we will ensure one thing, and that is that the world will proceed according to the plans of those that have set it up the way it is now.
Our interconnectedness on the other hand poses also the greatest risk for those that use it currently to their advantage and to our disadvantage. When a group of us begins to wholeheartedly engage into the process of awakening, and when we achieve this awakening, then our awakening will affect every being currently present in our reality. Each and every being, simply through our interconnectedness. The biggest obstacle erected before us in this regard is that we will have to first develop a willingness to leave our current life behind and to dedicate ourselves completely to the process of awakening. Again, I would like to refer you to my other blog posts and to my book for further elaborations on this process and its possibilities.
Should you feel called upon to become an active part of this process of awakening, then I would love to hear from you. You and I will be the path pavers that will be setting this process into motion, but we have to spread the word far and wide to reach the ones that need to hear this message. Please let me know if you have ideas to accomplish this and ways of helping me to reach as many people as possible with my message. I am very grateful for your input on this.