The worldwide agenda to prevent the awakening process of humanity, and what this has to do with you

The worldwide agenda to prevent the awakening process of humanity, and what this has to do with you

Does the world still make sense to you?

Do you feel doubts arising about the way we as humanity have been governed, especially throughout the past 3 years?

Have you been noticing how – almost in sync – federal, state, regional, and local governments came to identical conclusions regarding their understanding of the Corona narrative, climate change, wokeness, gender issues, and the reasons that led to the wars in Ukraine and Israel/Palestine?

And have you noticed that the media coverage of these narratives as well as of those that dare to voice doubts or different opinions remains in sync throughout almost all media outlets in most countries?

Doesn’t it look and feel like something is becoming obvious here that forces us to rethink everything we have been told about who we are, where we are, what we are, where we are coming from, and … where we are going?

We have been lied to

Anyone who digs deeper and moves past the front-line media that shower us with variations of the same news and narratives 24/7, will find proof that something is seriously wrong. If you just dive into simple statistics, you will learn immediately that there were no excess deaths in any of the major western countries in 2020 due to whatever causes. Only after the vaccinations began in 2021 did the mortality rate move up, most concerningly in the middle-aged group. The reality of these numbers went fully opposite to the presentation of the Covid narrative by politics, science, and media. The same discrepancy can be found regarding the climate narrative and the measures that are supposedly to be taken to ‘combat’ it.

Behind the agendas promoting wokeness and genderism, there is also a deeper truth hidden concerning the awakening process of humanity and what is happening in the universe right now. 

We are at a crossroads, and I guess you have been feeling this deep down but have not found anyone who could offer any practical ideas or a plan of action of what to do about it. So you keep on drowning in a never-ending deluge of information, interpretation, and predictions that are being replaced constantly, with a feeling of growing uneasiness and nothing to hold on to.

This all happens on purpose. It is meant to keep you from truly understanding who you are, and to prevent you from taking action that will reconnect you to yourself, your origin, and most of all, to your purpose of being here.

‘Awakening – Unraveling the deception hidden in our reality and the way back home’ 

I am feeling the same, this is why I can ask the questions above. And I have been on a journey to not only find answers to the most meaningful questions about our existence, but also to bring together a group of people who jointly will bring the light of our source back to life within ourselves so that we can reconnect to the abundance and limitlessness that is our true nature. The above book came into existence during that journey.

‘Awakening’ is meant to be a means of determination of where we are now and where we need to go. We are the ones that came here to make it happen and we must do it now. It cannot be left to a future generation. I invite you to join in and become a participant of our ‘awakening’ family. The time is now.

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