What we regard as humanity’s history nowadays reflects a distorted, manipulated, and for the most part manufactured narrative. There are of course only very few researchers that have delved into the subject of our manufactured history, and their research is met with the small-minded consensual understanding of history as it is being taught and propagated by all educational systems worldwide. The Russian mathematician and professor at Lomonosov University, Anatoly Fomenko, might be considered the leading researcher in the field of manipulations that have taken place regarding the ways history is being presented to us. In his work ‚History – Fiction or Science?’ (volumes 1 to 4), Fomenko presents his in-depth research on the falsification of history. On the introductory page to ‚History and Fiction, Vol 1‘, it is stated:
The so-called consensual history is a finely woven magic fabric of intricate lies about events predating the XVI century. There is not a single piece of firm written evidence or artefact that could be reliably and independently traced back earlier than the XI century.‘
For those who would like to dive deeper into this subject, Fomenko’s work is available (for free) here:
Now that we have established that most of what we have been taught about our history has been fabricated, we have to ponder about the reasons for this and who might have initiated it.
First, we may conclude that our understanding of who we are, where we came from, how we got here, and where we are supposedly going seems to be important for our compliance with the numerous narratives that dominate our world. So, we may further conclude that those who have manufactured our supposed history had in mind that humans should only have a certain form of understanding about themselves. Thus they needed to thoroughly erase essential and significant wisdom and understanding in the collective and individual memory of humanity. What we can deduct from all this is, that at some point in time we were fully disconnected from our prior knowledge about our origins.
Now it does not seem plausible that such a massive disconnection could have been achieved solely by simply rewriting history.
In other researches, I encountered sources saying that during the past few thousands of years there have been multiple worldwide catastrophes which the re-written history successfully camouflages. These multiple catastrophes led to a worldwide depopulation on a grand scale and to deep traumatization in the remaining population. If you like to learn more about this topic, I can recommend the work of Raik Garve, which however is only available in German. As YouTube offers tools that allow to show English subtitles, you may still find watching some of Raik’s videos worthwhile. One that I can recommend can be found here:
As with the work of Carl Johan Calleman, I am not in agreement with the conclusions Raik draws in regards to how we can proceed from here and free us from our current situation. As I have discussed earlier, any concept that projects our liberation out of our current bondage into the near or far future – or even into the hands of future generations – will only serve the instigators of all the events and manipulations that have led humanity into its current state of consciousness. In previous discussions I have pointed out the main goal that lies behind all the manipulations and interferences which happened during the past millennia, namely, to create the prerequisites that allow for the disconnection of our Divine spark from our core being.
In this article though I would like to focus on the way our collective and individual consciousness has been shaped during the past approximately 160 years, as a means to understand better how it has become possible to implement so many dominating and freedom-robbing narratives.
Let us first look at the effects of the so called ‘European Expansion’.
After the forceful imposition of Pauline Christianity throughout most of Europe and the extinction of the so-called pagan beliefs, the European Expansion led to the extinction and distortion of the belief systems and societal systems worldwide. The European Expansion affected the entirety of North and South America, nearly all of Africa, vast areas of Asia, and of course Australia and New Zealand. By this an almost worldwide disconnect of all of humanity from any relation to their origins had been facilitated. The magnitude of the effects of the European Expansion has even been multiplied by the above-mentioned catastrophes. In this way the prerequisites have been created for the intense manipulation of humanity during the past 160 years.
The main effect these more recent interventions had was the shaping of helpless and fully dependent humans who are now incapable to care for themselves without relying on external systems.
How has this been achieved, and what are the consequences?
As an example, I would like to refer to the book ‘The End of Work’ by Jeremy Rifkin. Rifkin relates the story of how people got convinced to prefer industrially produced clothing of inferior quality over their own homemade and long-lasting garments. When the early industrialists realized the potential of manufacturing clothing in large factories by using machinery and cheap labor, they encountered the difficulty that the general populace had not much interest in buying such garments. People did not see any sense in replacing their tried and tested handmade garments with products that they would have to purchase from the new clothing manufacturers. This situation led to a pivotal change in the way human society functions.
As the simple availability of industrially manufactured clothing was not enough to gain ground among the populace and to convince them to buy these new products, the manufacturers had to devise a new way of convincing their potential customers of the necessity to change their way of dressing. The result were the first psychologically designed advertising campaigns. The clothing manufacturers were able to discredit the current way people were dressing (with their homemade garments) by presenting it as a form of inappropriate, untoward, and inferior habit. Through their cleverly devised campaigns they managed to make people feel uncomfortable in their current clothing. By contrast, people who wore clothing from the manufacturers were presented as superior and admirable to the masses. This tactic worked well and allowed to build the industrial production of clothing into a large industry. A major side-effect of this was that ever more people were relocated from their current small villages into the cities were the new factories arose. The workers were now producing clothing with the machinery of the industrialists, and they were no longer involved with independently supplying themselves with their essentials for life like food etc. They received money for their work in the factories which they then invested in food that someone else had been producing for them.
Look at today’s world and see how far this new system of employing and using humans as dependent labor force has meanwhile evolved. If we look at all those people who are being involved in utterly useless work and endeavors that contribute nothing to covering the essential human needs, we can only feel shocked. How many of us sit in governmental offices at a computer, replicating meaningless work or have occupations which are rather harmful to the populace? How many of us earn their income through remote administrative work, through promoting services or products only via online channels? And those that are still involved in supplying us with the essentials for life are doing this as employees of large corporations or, in the case of farming, as large-scale farmers that depend on industrial style machinery and on the large-scale application of industrially produced pesticides and fertilizers in order to achieve a reasonable yield.
Today, the result of this is that everyone is fully dependent on external systems and that nobody is any longer self-sufficient. Humanity has been systematically and purposefully made dependent on these external systems which are outside their control. They have been forced into a system that requires of them to hand over their decision-making power to people that they have to vote for and that have been selected by various political parties. Over the decades, the resulting governmental systems have woven an inescapable net over all countries of the world in which we all are now thoroughly trapped.
Dependency on expensive energy supplies
Another corner stone in turning humanity fully dependent upon outside systems and resources is found in the area of energy supply and energy dependency. Today we can all witness the outcome of what has been devised over 140 years ago. A first step was to make humanity dependent on what has been called fossil fuels since then. Today it seems doubtful that oil really is the product of some form of organic decay. The depth from which it is being extracted and the seemingly unlimited quantities available make it seem unlikely that such an amount could have come into existence through decaying organic matter. It would be interesting to calculate the total amount of organic matter that would have been necessary to provide all the oil that has been used worldwide for the past 150 years.
But this is not the main issue we should focus on. The central purpose of turning society into an industrial civilization was to create absolute dependency on external systems for every individual. In this case we are talking about the system of external energy supply. Once the dependency had been established thoroughly enough, prices for energy consumption were being used to direct and manipulate societies worldwide. For the population, nothing was obtainable any more that did not require large amounts of energy consumption. On the level of the individual, the family, or a village there remains almost nothing that they can provide for themselves with regard to the essentials of life. To maintain their daily lives with everything they need, they must nowadays fully rely on the external supply of energy and also on what is being produced by consuming such energy. If this energy gets ever more expensive, like it does in these times, then everything one consumes becomes more expensive and, due to the overall dependency, there is not much one can do about it. We are being debited for our use of energy in relation to the carbon dioxide our consumption of goods and services causes. Under the disguise of fighting climate change, our liberties can be limited by calculating all the carbon emissions that are supposedly being caused by everything we consume. Consequently, this will enable agencies and governments to impose restrictions on us regarding certain food, travel allowances, and other restrictions, to ultimately lock us away in 15-minute cities. This will be accompanied by an enormous speed-up of digitalization. A test run for this have been the lockdowns during the staged C-crisis.
Why am I spending so much time discussing the matter of energy dependency?
Let us go back to the time when the energy narrative had been established. In previous articles we have been looking at the capabilities of society during the second half of the 19th century regarding the erection of astonishingly complex structures for the World Expos. Construction times were amazingly short and the building quality and complexity was unbelievably high. In some places there was an abundance of electricity available that dwarfed what was provided in the larger cities back then. It was in in those times that Nikola Tesla began to research ways of energy generation, or rather of energy harvest from unlimited resources, which would have prevented the implementation of energy dependency. Tesla’s research and inventions would have allowed for an almost free and unlimited supply of energy to everyone, as well as affordable innovative means of remote communication which would have already been similar to today’s use of cell phones. You may learn more about Tesla´s inventions and intentions here:
We can summarize this by concluding that every effort has been made to implement a system of energy generation that will allow for complete dependency and controllability of its users. This has been successfully achieved.
Mind programming by an educational system
In order to successfully impose the above-mentioned narratives and constructs on humanity, it became necessary to mentally prepare humanity in ways that would ensure total acceptance of all plans of the instigators of said narratives. The goal was to impose a limited form of understanding of ‘reality’ onto the general populace worldwide. The system selected for this purpose had been a centrally implemented educational system, made possible through fundings provided mainly by John D. Rockefeller. You may deduce that the contents chosen to be taught in the educational system have been determined mainly by those that provided the financial means for its establishment. One of the main purposes was to impose on the students a certain limited understanding about their origins, history, biology, astronomy, and many other areas. The educational system could then be used for the implementation of any new narrative that was to be introduced. The form of consciousness about ourselves got fundamentally distorted in such ways that we have meanwhile lost any connection to our origins.
Another main purpose of the educational system has been to produce willful, obedient, and authority-dependent citizens. On top of this a strong disconnect by age group and social class was being achieved by the introduction of a governmentally run central educational system.
If you would like to learn more about the intentions and effects of the modern educational system, please continue reading about this in John Taylor Gatto’s book ‘Weapons of Mass Instruction’ which you can find here:
One fundamental narrative that was to be introduced was ‘modern medicine’. And yet again, the driving benefactor regarding the establishment of ‘modern medicine’ was John D. Rockefeller. His funding of the modern chemically-based medicine made sure that all other, alternative, and traditional forms of treatment became either completely outlawed or were being removed from all curricula at schools and universities where medical doctors or other healthcare practitioners were being trained. For more details on Rockefeller’s endeavors in this regard, please continue reading here:
With this modern medicine, the human capabilities for supernatural perception were being heavily subdued or oftentimes completely suppressed. Prior to the introduction of an oil-based chemical medicine, a large part of medical treatments had been of a holistic nature which preserved and supported the natural integrity of the human body, mind, and soul. Such treatments took into consideration the multileveled existence of us humans, acknowledging that we have ethereal bodies and are interwoven with the ethereal levels of beingness. All these aspects have been removed from our awareness, and access to them has been for the most part been blocked by the efforts of the richest man in American history, John D. Rockefeller.
All of us living today have been massively subjected to an educational and medical system that meanwhile has been thoroughly established throughout many generations. And by these systems our consciousness about the nature of our being and the nature of reality became greatly distorted and disconnected from any form of a holistic understanding.
The values that we share nowadays have mostly been programmed into our minds according to the intentions that the developers of those systems had in mind.
Without the effects that the manipulated education and the distorted medical system had on humanity’s consciousness, the C-Narrative would never have been possible. No one in the healthcare system was allowed to draw their own conclusions based on common sense, and to act accordingly. Everyone in the healthcare system had to blindly oblige to the instructions of the authorities. You had to either follow the instructions unquestioningly or had your licence to practice removed. And no court would be able to help you here, as these systems have been thoroughly legitimized through countless legislations.
The way we understand ourselves and everything related to our existence nowadays has been buried under so much imposed and fabricated information and so-called ‘science’ that we have lost our connection to not only ourselves but to our origin. This has been the intention behind the endeavors described above. The goal has been all along to create a form of human and a society that will surrender their individual freedom to institutions like governments, authorities, and so on. With your vote and your surrender to a government, you transfer your own Godpower to others. Those in governments and authorities have been endowed with the Godpower of millions of humans, and they wield this power accordingly.
What is important to grasp is, that the state of your consciousness will determine your understanding about the nature of yourself and the nature of most anything you encounter. Your understanding has been formed by what your parents lovingly related to you with the best of intentions but which was based on the manipulations they themselves had been exposed to throughout their life. Then you were exposed to the mandatory educational system for many years and, parallel to that, to everything that was being imposed on you through mainstream and social media. Even if some more subtle and alternative sources of information got your attention, these were for the most part distorted or drowned out by the power the centralized narratives of this world wield. Because every human being who believes in those manipulated narratives empowers and strengthens these narratives. And this is why the vast majority of humanity still believes in the justification of wars, of vaccinations, of the C-narrative, of climate change, of the gender narratives, and so on.
Behind all this lies a power that is initiating and controlling these narratives. A power that truly controls life on earth. A power that has placed itself by its interferences between God and us. The main goal of this power is to control our consciousness and to direct and manipulate all of us according to their hidden plans, which I have been talking about many times in my previous blog articles and also in my book ‘Awakening’.
To complement the effects of the educational system and the ‘healthcare’ system, many more endeavors have been undertaken in order to subdue the consciousness and perceptibility of humanity. Amongst them are all the artificial radio waves (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and soon 6G, WLAN, Starlink, common radio and tv signal waves, radar waves from electronic assistance systems in vehicles, military radio signals, Bluetooth, and so on). If you are interested in learning about the effects such systems have on the human body, you may want to study the book ‘All EMF’d up’ by Anne Mills, or the book by Elana Freeland titled ‘Under an ionized sky’. Furthermore, the transition to industrialized agriculture, involving mass production using chemical fertilizers and pesticides in farming, led to the deprivation of nutrients and toxification of food and thereby to all the negative effects that processed food has on our bodies and minds. Detrimental to our awake-ness is also the constant ingestion of fluoride, which in fact is a neurotoxin mostly affecting our pineal gland. The health and functioning of our pineal gland will be crucial for our awakening.
To summarize what we have learned so far: We can deduce from what has been discussed above that an enormous amount of effort has been undertaken to shape and distort our consciousness in ways that disconnect us from our ability to gain our own independent understanding about the nature of our being. Those efforts turned us into beings that can no longer take care of themselves but have become completely dependent and reliant on external systems that operate fully outside the control of the general populace. As all of us have been exposed to the effects of the above-discussed manipulations throughout our lives, and as we try to form our understanding and build our opinions within the fundamentals we have been taught about life, it can be assumed that our conclusions are derived only from what we have been taught. As what we have been taught has been designed with the intention to completely control and direct our consciousness and decision making, we will only search for solutions or answers within the rigid confines of what has been imparted to us. As such, most fundamental aspects and truths about our beingness and existence have been erased from humanity’s collective consciousness during the past approximately 150 years. If seems safe to assume that our mental, psychological, and bodily prison has been created on purpose. We don’t know who really is behind this scheme, we can only identify the obvious instigators of it, like John D. Rockefeller, the Rothschilds, and nowadays the likes of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Ursula von der Leyen, George Soros, BlackRock, and so on. We don’t know who is behind all these narratives and, more importantly, where they want to go with it. It is very apparent that a huge effort is being undertaken to prevent that we even consider asking such questions. Those who do are being called conspiracy theorists. All the efforts undertaken have also ensured that any form of corporate, governmental, or mainstream social media is being centrally controlled by very few corporate entities. This includes TV and radio stations, newspapers, magazines, publishers, the movie industry, and social media. They act as the enforcers of our mental prison, and they ‘explain away’ any attempts at embarking on a way out of the prison we exist in.
The C-narrative has shown that the perpetrators of the unimaginable atrocities against humanity during the past 4 years simply continue their work and life without any form of accountability for the crimes they have committed. Instead, the population heads to the polling stations for the next election, and by their voting for the same political parties and candidates that have committed these crimes, they exonerate them from what they have inflicted upon us, i.e., the ones that these politicians are supposed to take care of.
We need to come together and quickly devise ways of purging ourselves of the programming and poisoning we have been subjected to. We need to join and form a collective that will be grander than our individual selves. We need to find a way to answer the questions of who we are, where we came from, who is controlling our world, and how we can become sovereign and free beings again. And we should acknowledge that it is irresponsible to assume that someone else is going to do this for us, or to sit back and just enjoy for as long as possible the (ever-decreasing) liberties that we still have. In this situation we should, for a moment at least, set aside the concept of ‘the power of now’, or the concept of ‘loving what is’.
If someone would want to debunk the likes of me, they have an enormous variety of ‘consensual facts’ at their disposal. A gigantic machinery is behind them that has prepared the mental basis in almost all humans for the acceptance of the general narratives. I sincerely hope that you will be able to open your heart, soul, and mind to what I have presented in this article, and that it will awaken the Divine spark within you. Let us join together and prepare for our Awakening.