The 9 creational waves, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and the gateway home

The 9 creational waves, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and the gateway home

You may have come across numerous theories about the reason for our existence and what our experiences in our realm of being are supposed to achieve for the Source of all being. The Source from which we all are a part of and which is being called God, the Divine, or the All-One.

Looking at the 9 waves of creation and their duration may provide us with an idea as to how far we have come, and first and foremost, how far away from our point of origin we find ourselves today. In my book ‘Awakening’ I have dedicated a whole chapter to the explanation of the effect and the meaning theses 9 waves of creation have on the development of the universe and our consciousness.

These creational waves have been deduced from the Mayan wisdom by Carl Johan Calleman, and this is best described in his book The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness from 2004. There Carl Calleman posits that our realm of being has been brought into existence by creational waves that began with the first wave about 16.4 billion years ago. Each wave developed its potential during 13 equally long phases, called 7 days and 6 nights. Accordingly, one day or night equals about 1.26 billion years for the first wave. Each following wave is characterized by a 20fold increase in frequency, which means its total length is 20 times shorter than the length of the previous wave. This leads to the second wave beginning its dominance during the 7th day of the first wave and gives it a total length of 820 million years. Each consecutive wave begins equally during the 7th day of the previous wave, leading us eventually to the 9th wave, which oscillated so fast that it lasted only a total of 234 days from March 11 to October 28 of 2011. All 9 waves completed their 7th day on the 28th of October in 2011, and therefore our universe and what it had been meant to achieve during its existence reached its completion.

I have recently come to the conclusion that the second law of thermodynamics is the result of the way these creational waves changed the dynamic of our universe’s reality during the 16.4 billion years of its existence. In the beginning, when only the first wave had been active, everything was still thoroughly connected to Source and any change happened so slow that it had hardly been noticeable. When the first wave reached its 7th day and had established the foundations of our universe, eventually the 2nd wave began and added more complexity and dynamic to our universe. By then matter had come into being, and through the effect of the 2nd wave matter began to take simple forms of expression. Each following wave added complexity and dynamic to our universe, and a division of matter and an ever more individualized expression of it became noticeable. One could also say that matter divided into ever more pieces that became ever more detached from another. And it is this effect that I would relate to what is called the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

In my understanding, the first 4 waves were meant to set the stage so that eventually a once unified consciousness could inhabit a space that allowed for it to separate itself into parts and therefore gain new experiences, which previously had been impossible to achieve. Parallel to this, a vessel, the precursors of our human bodies today, came into existence, especially during the 5th wave of creation which began about 100,000 years prior to today.

My impression is that the most important time and the whole purpose of the creation of this universe have been the past approximately 5,000 years in which the 6th wave of creation (beginning about 5,100 years ago) and the 7th wave (beginning about 270 years ago) took place. During the past 5,000 years our universe reached its highest complexity, and the dominating energy of the 6th wave was characterized by duality whereas the main characteristic of the 7th wave was an almost complete disconnection of our realm of being from Source/God. During this time, it became possible for the All-One to gain an impression of Itself from outside of Itself. All the while the 2nd law of thermodynamics led to an ever-greater dissolution of the aspects of the All-One that had become part of our universe (e.g., us humans) into ever more separated parts.

Again, if you haven’t had a chance to previously study the work of Carl Calleman or read the respective chapter relating to the Mayan Calendar in my book, this all may seem confusing. But as an understanding of the creational waves and their purpose is crucial for us in order to find our way back home, I am writing about this here.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics basically means that our universe began in a perfect unity of everything and has ever since been separating into ever more parts. This law means that the main force in our universe is a devolutionary one, not an evolutionary one. This is very important to know, because many teachers or teachings lead you to erroneously believe that you can continue your spiritual and physical development in subsequent incarnations. As everything, including the human body, is devolving, your best chance to complete your journey through consciousness and this universe is now. In this lifetime. 

And this leads us to the gateway back home. Because we have not yet talked about the meaning and significance of the 8th wave of creation (1999 to 2011) and the 9th wave of creation (March 11 to October 28, 2011). The 8th wave was meant to revive the capabilities of the human being to reconnect with the Divine, for example, the re-attainment of telepathic abilities as a means of communication, and thus to enable a disconnection from the dependency on the outside physical world. This was supposed to take place from 1999 on to pave the way for the final and 9th wave of creation in 2011, when the dominating energy in our universe would be marked by unity consciousness.

It seems that it didn’t work out that way for us, don’t you think?

If you are interested to know why it hasn’t worked out with our return to unity consciousness so far, I would like to refer you to my other blog posts on this website and to my book. Therein I have extensively explained the reasons for this situation.

As you may have gathered by now, we are living in a frame of existence that is beyond and beside of its connection to the vibrational song of creation, i.e., the 9 waves of creation. And we are no longer gaining experiences or living in an existence that has any valuable meaning for the universe. You may have noticed that even during the last century, an increase in dysfunctionality was observable in our world, for example, the two world wars and their consequences. What transpired during the last century has been the continuation of an interference of an alien consciousness that had come into being during the process of the ever-increasing separation and complexity of our universe (again, please refer to the sources mentioned above for further elaboration on this). The above-mentioned consciousness realized that it would only be able to exist in a devolved and compartmentalized realm, such as our universe had meanwhile become. It was aware that when all human consciousness would be returning to Source in the moment of completion of the 9 waves of creation, it would no longer be able to continue to exist. And out of this fear, it interfered with our consciousness in ways that disabled us to tune in to the two last waves of creation and to prepare for finally returning home.

This is the situation we find ourselves in these days. And we all can observe how fast the powers controlling our existence act to prevent us once and for all to reconnect to our Source and to find our way back home. Their goal is to disconnect every one of us from our inherent Divine spark and to transfer it over to them, as in their understanding they will have then freed themselves from being subjected to the effects of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Now let’s take a deep breath. All the above is most difficult to digest, if at all. This is also the effect of the manipulations of the earthly controllers. They have known all along that one of their main goals would be to prevent anyone from truly realizing what was happening to them.

And this is why some beings from outside of this realm, which are called volunteer souls, have been incarnating in our times. They have brought traits with them into this realm of existence that enable them to regain resonance with the energies of both the 8th and the 9th wave of creation and reconnect our universe with the potential of those 2 waves. My understanding is that it will require a certain amount of those volunteer souls to get together, as none of them alone holds all the necessary energetic ingredients within themselves. I have already painfully witnessed how several of these volunteer souls have come together and were driven apart again so that they now live completely out of touch with one another in places all over the world.

This is why my book and my mission came into being, and why we need to be very alert and stay very conscious when we join and bring our inherent potentials together and into resonance. We must now live up to the challenge we have agreed to take on. Anything you have done or attained so far in this lifetime has been a preparation for the endeavor I am talking about. To face this challenge will require you to leave the life you have led so far behind. This may seem like a great sacrifice, but if we are not successful with our endeavor, the sacrifice demanded from all of humanity would be so gigantic that there are no words for it.

For more extensive information and explanations in this regard, please refer to my other blog posts, to my book Awakening, and to the references mentioned in the book.

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