How do you define freedom?
Does it maybe have something to do with the way people supposedly live and act in commercials, movies, or on corporate social media?
Does freedom for you have something to do with what you have been taught at school, by your parents, and the way the world has been shown to you from birth?
What unites all imaginations of attainable freedom in this world has either something to do with obtaining as much money as possible, or with the renunciation of as many desires or needs as possible. Either you let go of as many wishes and amenities as you can and therefore free yourself from needing money, or you find ways to make so much money that it will give you the freedom to buy whatever money can buy. This includes also the ability to move freely around the world and to purchase property which allows you to detach yourself from the crowded living conditions most people live in.
To me, freedom would mean being able to provide for everything I could possibly need by myself, without depending on anyone or any system.
So, my idea of freedom obviously does not really exist in our world. Instead, we have to live by one of the two versions of freedom I described above. And between the few people that manage to live happily almost without anything, and the few people that have so much money that they can buy anything at any given time (including airplanes, yachts, villas, and so on), there is an almost endless shade of grey. The ones that still rise above the average in this shade of grey can not buy whatever they want; however, as long as they can keep their current way of earning money going, they will be able to fulfill many of their wishes. But a lot of them pay for this wealth with the integrity of their health, as they are under constant pressure to make sure that the flow of income they need to maintain their lifestyle never subsides.
The further down you go, the more people you will encounter in each decreasing income bracket with ever less freedom. And these people have to cut an increasing number of corners to get the biggest slice possible of the freedom and lifestyle they are constantly being shown through all the public communication channels, mainly through commercials, and of course by people in their surroundings. In this grey middle field that comprises of about 98 to 99% of the population in the western world, everyone, regardless of the amount of their income, must make sure that they do whatever is required to continue to receive this income. This means that they must pretend that they enjoy their work and that they like their employer. It requires of them to abide by the demands and requirements their employers impose on them. Among other things, it would also require of them to take experimental medication if this becomes a prerequisite for them to be able to go to work, to use public transit, or to do grocery shopping.
Why is a life like that considered to be a life in freedom? Freedom would mean to be able to do what you wish to do, when and if you wish to do it (of course, without interfering with the freedom of others), and to have all the basics you need in life without having to work for them.
Even the ones at the very top, those beyond the grey scales, must serve someone well enough to be provided with all the wealth they call their own. And even the ones at the bottom, those that have freely renounced all worldly needs as much as possible, will have to make sure that they don’t starve or freeze to death, which will again require at least some means to provide for the essentials. And we don’t want to talk about the billions of people that live in parts of the world where it is all about the pure essentials of life like food and water, with no chance of them ever being able to engage in ways to liberate themselves from these circumstances. Many of those people, unbeknownst to us, are existential in providing us in the western world with our means of ‘freedom’, i.e., they produce lots of the goods we are only able to afford because of this cheap labor.
This all doesn’t get even close to anything I would call freedom. And in my understanding this lack of freedom has nothing to do with a benevolent God who created us in His own image. For some or even most people, the old story of us failing this loving God can be an explanation why they find themselves in the circumstances they exist in. This, however, would not be freedom but punishment in my understanding.
What is being called freedom is only a supposed freedom. This supposed freedom has been keeping us away from true independence, from knowing who we are, and from discovering what we really want. We have become shallow and programmed beings that are existing in complete obedience to authorities we don’t know and which we have never seen personally or experienced with our five senses. Please refer to my other blog posts and to my book ‘Awakening’ for further elaborations about who I presume are the authorities who control our realm of being.
We believe in the benevolence of those governing us, and we are for the most part incapable of looking past the constant deception we are being exposed to. As an example, even if hundreds and thousands of architects assure us that the WTC towers would have withstood a plane crashing into them (since the resulting fire would not have been able to bring them to fall), we still believe the official narrative. When we are being told that a completely healthy person is a danger to us, just because a ‘test’ says so, we believe it. We also believe that on election day we can choose how we want to live by choosing between two out of 340,000,000 people in the US, two people who have been carefully selected by the two ruling parties and have been provided with the required amount of money and media coverage to bring them to your (i.e., the electorate’s) attention. And if the powers behind the ruling parties, the powers that have built and are maintaining this system, are not happy with your choice on election day, they simply step in and make sure that the one they favor is the winner in the end.
Whatever option we have in this world as we know it will not give us any form of freedom. Even the esoteric branch beyond traditional religion is only another business branch which is meant to appease, distract, and pacify those of us which feel deep within some form of disquiet and unease about the world we live in. Whenever there is an esoteric conference, event, fair, or some other gathering, it is mostly a trade show where the exhibitors and lecturers present their books, classes, and other offerings to gain new clients. To be clear, I completely understand this. They are part of this system and they need the respective amount of income (often rather high in the grey scale as mentioned above) to provide for themselves and to be able to live a comfortable life, to travel, and to protect their integrity and health (if they can see through the deception in cases like the C-agenda). But there is one thing they cannot share with anybody, because they have not achieved it themselves. Freedom.
Freedom through Awakening
For the longest time I have been waiting for events in time, astrological constellations, teachers, awakened beings coming to us from higher dimensions, or similar occurrences, in the hope that these would come to our rescue and liberation from this state of being we find ourselves in. I would even imagine that I could be of assistance then with this process of awakening and liberation. And during the late 90’s until the early 10’s of this century, I was confident that we were on the fast track to an enlightened metamorphosed world where we all would finally be going ‘back home’. However, when during the 10’s of this century the world became ever more dystopian, leading to previously unimaginable situations in the early 20’s, I became ever more desperate. Those that had been my guiding lights until 2011/2012 began to disappear one after the other. And now it seems that old truths and findings are merely being repeated or newly worded every few months or so, again and again, while the outside world becomes ever more dysfunctional. This situation, and my subsequent hypnotic regression wherein I received the task to write a book, installed in me the sense of urgency to make my thoughts and insights available to people and to share my vision for our liberation from this manipulated existence. I did never expect that I would be called upon to step up in such a way and to take on such responsibilities. Not in my wildest dreams. But life is becoming ever more unbearable for me. We are being told all the time that we are increasingly becoming freer through technology and digitalization, while the opposite is the case.
Together with you I want to step up to the challenge and transform supposed freedom to true freedom. Freedom through Awakening. This is what you and I are here for. And we are not talking about freedom for just you and I. We are talking about freedom for everyone.
Are you ready to join in? Then I would love to hear from you. I would ask you to please read at least through my other blog posts first to determine if you really feel ready for our joint journey. Because it will require to let go of the familiar world we have lived in until now.
Hope to see you soon.