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1969 to 1978 – North Frisia

In 1969 my family went back to Germany, to North Frisia, where I spent my childhood until 1978. I struggled at school and just about managed to get through Secondary School. I was constantly reading and spending time alone in nature, growing trees and flowers from seeds and offshoots, sitting for hours at a hidden pond and looking at life under the surface of the water. At school I was the whipping boy and at home I felt misunderstood and was criticized for my peculiarity to an ever-increasing degree by my father. Life ‘out there’ began to fill me with more and more fear and anxiety as the years went by. Especially the life grown ups were leading in society.

During the years in North Frisia, I began to have slight suprasensory perceptions, especially in the evenings before I went to sleep. For example, the space above me became endlessly wide and I found myself in these moments in a state free of the fears and limitations of the human world. During this time, almost every night before going to sleep, my imagination carried me alone in a spaceship into the vastness of space. I was there in search of new living spaces, and this search took unimaginable periods of time.

Childhood Dreams

As a child, I had two constant dreams again and again over many years.

In the first dream I was alone in a small space capsule with which I orbited the earth. This capsule entered the earth’s atmosphere again and again after a certain time, and during this process I regularly suffocated in the capsule. 

In my second dream I found myself in a crashed flying object, in which there were no further survivors. Then a giant came and rescued me, by putting me on his shoulders, from the scene of the accident.

Today I see in these dreams a description of my experiences at the beginning of my incarnation into this life. It was difficult and, to put it mildly, fraught with problems. I learned more about this during a regression a month ago which I will report about in a later chapter.

My childhood and adolescence were characterized by an increasing fear of society and the world around me. I felt like an outsider in almost all aspects here and could not imagine any role of my own in life and the community at all.

On the one hand, I was already aware at the age of 12 that one can manifest things and de-manifest them again at will and as needed, through mentally influencing antimatter and matter. On the other hand, at the beginning of my secondary education I had the deep conviction that it makes no sense at all to enter a working life where one goes to work every day for decades and repeats the same tasks over and over again. I was firmly convinced that if you did the work once, that was enough.

Later, these ideas seemed phantasmagorical to me, and more and more I gave in to the ‘reality’ of daily life.


During my time in North Frisia, I encountered two stories that would later, and especially in the present time, be of importance for my understanding of what is happening in our world.

First, this was the story of John Christopher about the ‘tripod monsters’. Therein, Christopher reports about the earth in the future. In the story, people live without technology and do all the work manually. An extraterrestrial race has discovered the earth as an alternative place to their home planet, on which the environment did no longer allow these beings to survive. These extraterrestrials can exist on the earth at first only in habitats with artificially maintained climatic conditions. The earth must be changed atmospherically and biospherically, in order to make possible for these beings a life outside of their protected biospheres. So that this could be done without resistance of the earth inhabitants, mankind was brought by means of technical aids under a mental control which ensured that on the one hand nobody rebels or understands this plan, and on the other hand mankind can be used without causing problems as manpower for the necessary preparation of the earth’s conversion and for the current supply of the extraterrestrials in their dwellings. 

The control of the people is achieved by the extraterrestrials by implanting a metal grid into people’s scalps upon completion of the 14th year of their life, which serves as a receiver for the signals with which the thoughts and emotions of humans are controlled and manipulated. 

Today, other authors such as Dean Koontz in the Jane Hawk series, describe how the injection of nanoparticles by means of two syringes given at certain time intervals causes neuronal networks to form in the brain from the self-assembling nanoparticles. It is also interesting to note that these syringes must remain chilled to -70 degrees before administration. Via these nano networks, the affected people can then be completely remote-controlled.

The second book has the title ‘Der Spiegelplanet’ (The Mirror Planet) by Mark Brandis (pseudonym). 

Mark Brandis and his crew have been taken far off course by a pulsar and are trying to find a course back to Earth, which proves to be difficult. Completely by surprise, a planet appears which looks like the earth. Only it is not supposed to be found in this area. They fly to the planet and send an excursion team onto its surface.

Very quickly it becomes obvious that this is a mirror planet of the Earth, which looks the same on the outside but is inhabited by a very differently developed culture and society. It has just been decided on the part of the government of this planet that it is dangerous for humans to live freely on the land or in small communities. In order to protect humanity, all citizens must move to large cities built specifically for this purpose, by a deadline that is fast approaching. After the deadline, people who are still outside the cities will be shot by security forces. 

The cities are hermetically enclosed in border fortifications and no one is allowed to leave them. The people are not supposed to work anymore either, they can order everything they need via devices installed in every apartment, and this is delivered automatically and computerized via the device into the apartment. Goods and foodstuffs are produced by means of completely automated processes. 

I read these books in the second half of the 70’s, and the parallels to today’s social development are frightening. See more in the second part of this book.