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Time and again I intended to write a book. About my life, my encounters, my thoughts, my dreams, and my journeys. And then I put it off and put it off again.

The world is currently changing rapidly, and it seems more and more urgent to me that we wake up and understand what is going on around us. What is going on and what has been going on for so much longer than we can imagine.

The time to awaken is NOW. Actually, it was yesterday.

To be able to awaken, we must realize where we are and above all, who we are, beyond abstractive concepts. It is also not necessary that we all awaken at the same time. It is only necessary that those who have voluntarily incarnated into this epoch as light workers, pathfinders, or star children remember their mission, for which they have prepared long and thoroughly. They open the doors to the divine Light and knowledge. For earthbound humanity. The global agenda in all its excesses is dedicated to prevent this on all levels, including through alternative channels and ‘spiritual teachers’. More on this later. 

Grid World is the title of my dream from the first half of 1995, which I told at the beginning of this book. At that time, I hardly ever had been able to recall my dreams but this dream burned itself into my memory immediately, I remembered it vividly after awakening. I did not understand its message then, but I instinctively knew its importance, its urgency.

Today, 27 years later, on May 27, 2022 I see in my dream my life’s mission.

How that came about and what I have encountered during the past 58 years, I will report on the following pages.

After a year of traveling and searching, from one accommodation to the next, I arrived yesterday in the south of Paraguay, in the city of Encarnacion. Right now, I am living on a main thoroughfare in a small room, and life is clearly telling me that I must start this book, because otherwise it will be too late. 

I will let my intuition guide me in writing the following chapters. I do not have a concept, just an essence that I want to convey.

Thank you for getting this book. We are all facing the most exciting moments of all time, and it is important that we do not miss this great event. If we open to the world of our origin, our true being now, then we will be right up front and take as many people as possible with us on this journey. 

Here we go.

Encarnacion, Paraguay, May 27, 2022