Meaningless work

Meaningless work

Before it became significantly apparent – as it is today – that we are caught in a system pretending to be necessary, doing us good, and being meaningful for our lives, it was already quite obvious that certain things simply don’t make any sense.

There is, for example, the question: What would possibly happen when we as a “civilization” would begin to produce every item only with the highest quality and longest durability possible? And I mean everything: clothing, technical devices, vehicles, buildings, furniture, cutlery, toys, appliances, and everything else you can imagine.

What if everything lives forever?

First of all, the need for raw materials would plummet, probably to a tiny fraction of what we use today. And of course, the workforce, technology, and energy used to gather these materials would also be only a fraction of what it is now. The same goes for the logistics needed. The manufacturing of all these items would be reduced to only a small fraction of todays proportions. And again, most of the related transportation and logistics in place today could be dismantled. Also, the amount of resulting waste would be minimized, and we would require much fewer people to handle this waste. Besides, we would be freed of all the commercials that we are being bombarded with, because we would not constantly have to replace items that break too fast.

Wouldn’t you consider a “civilization” primitive that builds things with incorporated weak spots on purpose so that these items break after a certain amount of time? So that the users must replace them and have to buy them again, all the while wasting resources in the process? Why do we live in a society that acts like that, despite a supposedly advanced educational and governmental system? 

Why does governance allow for food and medicines that have obviously detrimental effects on our health? But this would be a topic for another blog post because this is a very big issue.

In addition, imagine the workforce reduction we could achieve by reducing the public servants who duplicate the same work day-in day-out, in every city, every state, every country, and every NGO worldwide. We would be better off by needing only a fraction of the workforce we now employ in this segment.

What is the point of going through life as we do?

So, the question arises: Has this system been established the way it is to ensure that everyone must work their whole life in jobs that supposedly are an expression of creative freedom and personal choice?

I would really like to find a sponsor who will allow me to approach 500 people from all walks of life with the offer of a lifetime income of 3,000 US$ monthly with absolutely no strings attached. Then I will find out who of these people would continue working the jobs they presently have, and who would still pretend that they love what they are doing. My guess is that at least 85 % would give notice as soon as possible.

My conclusion is that this kind of society we live in has been built for reasons we are not being told. It is a disguise, and it is meant to keep everyone in bondage until they are worn out and too old and used up to cause much trouble. Then they will have to use their remaining pension or funds to deal with their deteriorating health and vitality and will be managed in retirement homes or care facilities. The movie Moon (from 2009, starring Sam Rockwell and directed by Duncan Jones) provides a good mirror for this situation we live in. As not to spoil the surprising turns in this movie, I will not describe the plot here in case you have not seen it yet.

Is there another way?

This is not a nice way to look at life but we must face it as it is. We must make a clear determination of where we are, and then go from there. The “go from there” part is which I would like to invite you to. In my book Awakening: Unraveling the deception hidden in our reality and the way back home I chart out a path to step out of this current “reality” and to reconnect with our source. I would love to see you there.

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