Looking behind the veil

Looking Behind the Veil

If you happen to have read my book Awakening or some of my other blog articles, you will have encountered time and again my mentioning of an alien interference, an interference with the development of the human body and with our capabilities in general. I have also referred many times to a number of worldwide resets that always erased higher forms of human existence on earth and afterwards led to a restart of civilization on a devolved level. Consequently, we now exist on the lowest level ever and are trying to make sense of our reality and to understand who we are, while existing in a state of being that is meant to prevent exactly such understanding. Not only that, but those of us that try to cut through this manipulated delusion are being ridiculed by the vast majority of humanity, as the general programming has successfully locked people in a state of mind that doesn’t allow for certain things to be.

This proves how well these alien beings have devised and established their masterplan of leading all ensouled human beings into a completely unaware state of existence. Humanity willingly follows agenda after agenda into their own oblivion without realizing what is happening. Only a minority understands what is happening to us and our world. Their insights will not be reported on any main stream regular or social media unless to present them as crazy conspiracy theories.

Well, we have no choice but to cut through all this deception, to look behind the veil of delusion, and to reconnect to the knowledge of who we are, where we are from, and where we are meant to go.

How then can we free us out of the delusion we have been locked in?

As a start, I would suggest to familiarize yourself with the work of Nigel Kerner.

Over 3 decades ago, Nigel began to investigate into people’s claims of being abducted by alien beings. He had been skeptical at the beginning, and his initial intention was to disprove the veracity of such claims. During his research he encountered so many people with reports about being abducted – many of them deemed reliable and trustworthy sources – that he came to the conclusion that not all these people could be considered delusional.

Over the decades Nigel dived deeper into this topic, and he not only encountered abductees but ever more sources in science and government who related information to him that confirmed the existence of such alien beings – and that the governments knew about them.

By chance I encountered Nigel’s book ‘Grey aliens and the harvesting of souls’ about 10 years ago. Reading it helped me gain a deeper understanding of how our awakening had been prevented by outside interference. In 2022 Nigel’s last book got published. In this book, he relates that he was told in the beginning that, should he write this book, it would be the last one he would ever publish. He finished the manuscript of ‘Grey aliens and artificial intelligence’ early in 2022, and when the book was published later that year, he had sadly passed away. He also relates in this last book that an unproportionally high number of investigators into the UFO and alien subject-matter died early in their lives. We may deduce from this that any investigation into such matter is being suppressed rigorously.

When studying the work of Nigel Kerner, you will learn about three distinguished energetic frequency realms of existence that are part of our universe. The first one is characterized by very high vibrations and represents the realm that has a direct connection to our Source. When entering this frequency realm, one can choose to return to the All-Oneness we came from. Only ensouled beings that carry a Divine Light spark within them have the capability to enter this realm of high vibration. I assume that about 95% of humanity fulfill this requirement. Then there is a second sphere of vibration, the one we find ourselves in presently, and which forms the essence of the universe we exist in. It is characterized by a lower frequency vibration and has been created to enable all the experiences the All-One wanted to be able to learn about. This second realm has a partial overlap with the first realm. So far so good, you could say, everything is looking well and there seems to be no reason for concern. But we still must look at the third realm of vibration. This one also has a partial overlap with the second/central realm, but no connection to the first realm of being.

The third realm of being is characterized by very low and dense vibrations. The alien beings interfering with humanity and earth originate out of this realm. They entered our realm of being during certain occasions, when our portion of the universe went through lower vibrational phases. These alien beings are characterized by a superior intelligence, and they are the source for any technical developments and devices we as humanity are using. Foremost they are the source for our digital technologies, which represent only a tiny fraction of the technology the alien beings have at their disposal. As a sidenote here: most promoters of crypto currencies are convinced that this type of currency is not hackable and completely safe. Considering the kind of IT technology we know about, this seems to be true. But I am fairly sure that the technology the aliens use can easily hack into any blockchain encryption. Currently this doesn’t happen because the alien beings need people to have confidence in this technology so that they entrust their live-energy (in the form of money and cryptocurrency) to these systems. There this vital energy is at the complete disposal of the alien beings and may be obliterated in the blink of an eye. As so many other things, this also will prove to be a trap.

Now you may understand why there is such a push towards transhumanism. And why it may not be a good thing that the second presidency of President Trump will be accompanied by Elon Musk and all that he stands for. 

Nigel helps us to understand how the alien beings placed themselves in between our connection to our Source by implementing an imposter God that set new rules and imposed upon us a new definition of who we are and where we came from. They effectively disconnected us from God by inventing a godlike being and limiting this God to an individual male who acted in ways that one would not expect from a truly Divine being.

Once this psychological disconnection had been accomplished, it became much easier for the alien beings to manipulate the mindset of humanity, and they accompanied this by interfering regularly with the genetic makeup of our bodies. I would even go so far as to say that they rebuilt our bodies by adding the reptile parts to our brain and by making us dependent on regular food consumption and vulnerable to the elements. What they achieved is that our physical bodies began to rule over our mind. Because if you have nothing to eat or drink, you will not be able to spend much time contemplating what has happened to you. For your own survival you must act on the impulses your body gives you.

How were these alien beings able to accomplish such a feat?

They were able to use the characteristics of the 6th wave of creation to their advantage (about these waves of creation, please refer to my other blog articles and my book). The 6th wave, characterized by the dawn and intensification of duality, was meant to enable the part of the All-One that had entered our universe to experience separation and division, and thus to become able to look back at Itself from this new perspective and gain a new understanding about Itself. So even without any form of alien interference, our consciousness about our origin would have been dimmed. The main difference though would have been that we would have been able, as it had been intended, to attune to the energies of the 8th wave and thereby redevelop our supernatural capabilities and adequately prepare for the onset of the 9th wave of creation. Without the alien interference we would have been able to automatically awaken back into the true nature of our being.

Sadly, this has been prevented through the alien interference. The main form of their interference with the 8th wave of creation was the replacement of the natural reawakening of our inherent capabilities, for example telepathy, by digital devices. The digitalization has lured and locked us into a mental prison that we now urgently need to free us from.

Diving deeper into the works of Nigel Kerner, and adding also the research done by Jan Erik Sigdell, it will show us that the alien interference not only affects the human existence in a physical embodiment but encompasses also the state the human being exists in between incarnations. After the physical death, our consciousness is for the most part in the same state it had been in during the end of our incarnation. As Dr. Joe Dispenza informs us, by the age of 35, 95% of our thinking and decision-making processes operate on autopilot and are determined by constantly relived past experiences, and therefrom we derive our expectations of future outcomes. So, there is very little independent thinking left at the end of our lives. After death, we will be led into energetic holding places from where we will be sent back into our next incarnation, without being given any say as to where and to whom we will be sent.

We come back now to the characterization of the three vibrational spheres existing in our universe as mentioned above. The super intelligent alien beings from the dense-vibrating 3rd sphere quickly realized that humans were imbued with a capability that would allow them to eventually, by riding with the 8th and 9th wave of creation, leave this universe and continue their existence by reuniting with Source. And these alien beings do not have what is required to attune to the frequency of unity consciousness (of the 9th wave) that marks the completion of the creational cycles of our universe. As such they would remain exposed to the 2nd law of thermodynamics that would lead their form of existence eventually into complete dissolution. Please refer to my book or other blog articles regarding the effects of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. As the alien beings we are talking about exist as merely physical entities, they are subjected to this law. And they understand that our universe will eventually disintegrate due to this law and that they will disintegrate as well. So, they devised a plan which would enable them to obtain the necessary ingredient for their continued existence (i.e., our soul’s spark), which is the reason for all the interferences we have been talking about and for all the mental manipulations and distortions we have been subjected to. 

If you dare not look behind this veil of deception, you might just disregard what I have written here as the rantings of a seemingly delusional man. And you might go on accepting the fundamental lies you are being told by all the seemingly reliable sources of our society.

I sincerely hope, though, that I have shaken your previous understanding of who you are and where you are right now, so that you may feel encouraged to dive deeper into the issues and topics I have discussed above. You can find much more information about all this here on my website. Let us join forces and spirits and let us together embark on the most exciting journey of all times. Our journey back home.

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