Journey of Awakening (Part 3)

Journey of Awakening (Part 3)

In Part 1 and 2 of the Journey of Awakening blog series, I shared with you pictures and information about my recent trip to British Columbia, Canada, where I introduced my book to bookstores and visited places that were most important on my path of learning and gaining insights.

Should you have read my book Awakening, you might recall that the idea — or should I rather say the task — of writing a book came up at the end of a long session of hypnotic regression that I underwent in early April of 2022 in Tepotzlan, a city in the mountains of central Mexico. 

As my personal circumstances back then were in many ways very difficult, I didn’t make much progress in regards to figuring out how this project of writing a book should come about. I had some vague ideas but nothing substantial to start out from. Together with a friend I had flown and driven into Tepotzlan the day before my regression had been scheduled. I took the picture below on a walk through the town after our arrival there.

The second picture below from my trip to Tepotzlan shows the remote road where my seven-hour session with Senya Kandoussi took place on April 5, 2022. Senya Kandoussi is an experienced facilitator of hypnotic regression based on the QHHT-technique as taught by Dolores Cannon. 

Until the middle of May of 2022, I continued to stay in Mexico on the Yucatan peninsula. From there I went back to Paraguay to the city of Encarnacion, where I arrived on May 26, 2022 in a tiny rented room. The next day I sat down on a wobbly stool, and without having any real concept or idea about how my book should turn out, I began writing. At that point I knew at least what title my book should have: Erwachen, the German word for “Awakening.” Below you see me at my desk, where I wrote part 1 and part 2 of my book from May 27 to June 30, 2022.

Thankfully I was able to move to a new place by July 1, 2022, where the circumstances where much better for my book-writing endeavor. At the new place I wrote part 3 of my book and went through the process of self-publishing Erwachen in Germany. The picture below shows me at the entrance to this place:

From Paraguay my journey led me eventually back to Mexico in April 2024, this time to the village of Puerto Escondido in the province of Oaxaca. From here all the major steps were undertaken for the launch of my homepage and the publication of the American version of my book. I also wrote many of my earlier blog posts there. The pictures below show me in Puerto Escondido: the left one in front of the apartment building where I was staying, and the right one at the Café Choc where I test-posted the flyer I had designed for my upcoming promotional trip to Canada. My flyer is visible top left.

In early September of 2024, I went on my trip to Canada and there I received for the first time copies of my published book, which I then began distributing to book stores as mentioned in part 2 of this series of blog posts. I liked the sight of this stack of books very much.

As a last impression, below I would like to share two more pictures from my journey through BC. The first pic shows me at Fletcher Falls near my former home in Kaslo, BC and the second one at a viewpoint above the village of Osoyoos in the Okanagan area of British Columbia. 

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