Individualization and Astrology

Individualization and Astrology

I have been discussing how our universe, our realm of experience, has developed from an origin of All-oneness to the state we find ourselves in now. Instead of experiencing an All-oneness, we are living in a state of intense separation and individualization.

In my previous article I have pointed out that there were 9 creational waves that, over a long period of time, provided the prerequisites for an experience of consciousness outside of the All-oneness. Mainly the experience of separateness became possible with the onset of the 6th creational wave, which began about 5,100 years ago, with the dawn of duality.

Now, duality will bring separation, as we all can testify from our own experiences, but duality in itself would not explain how different one human being is from another.

There must be something more that has caused such diversity.

If we take a look at Astrology, then we can identify a cause for the numerous different characteristics that define each single human being. Astrologers look at the specific place of birth and the exact planetary constellations at the time of birth. Therefrom they can deduce many, if not most, of the traits that will dominate the personality and the capabilities of the newborn human. And not only that. They will also be able to report on the many cyclicities this specific human being will be subjected to in their life. Because the planets move in endless circles on our firmament and therefore they return back to any position they have once held. So generally, the ‚planetary stamp‘ one gets at the time of birth will determine the timing and type of influence acting on any human being for all their life until death. If you will, an astrologer could dive in and hand you a book that tells you how things will most likely play out for any future day/month/year of your life. They will tell you when you will find no energetic support for certain endeavors, and they will tell you what you most likely will never be able to achieve, and so on.

The Gnostics have left us an idea about the effect these ‚planetary stamps‘ have on us and our ability to reconnect to the Source from which we came. They said that planetary bodies were ensouled by the archons and that each soul re-entering into an incarnation would receive ‚planetary stamps‘ upon birth. The Gnostics further informed us that, in order to return to our unity consciousness and original wholistic state of being, we would need to hand back these planetary stamps.

What may be the reason for this message the Gnostics have left us?

In my understanding it tells us that at that time some alien force took over the effects that the planets had on incarnating spirits. My next question was: have these planetary bodies/archons come into existence as benevolent influences or were they installed with dark intentions?

Going back to what we were discussing in my previous blog post, to fulfill the purpose of our universe the conditions had to be created at one point that would enable the All-One to look back at Itself from a separated viewpoint. My understanding is that this was achieved by the creation of the planetary forces and the effects these would have on a spirit being entering the earthly realm of existence. And I am convinced that originally an existence in the earthly realm would not have required a physical presence as we experience it today. It had been enough at that time to expose oneself to the effects of the planetary energies to achieve an individuation. This individuation process dimmed the interconnectedness that is prevailing in all of existence. By ‘all of existence’ I am referring to that which has been here, even before our universe came into being about 16.4 billion years ago. It’s been a long way to make an individuation possible. 

So, it can be presumed that the planetary forces came into being with a genuine intention, namely to provide the prerequisites for an individualized experience, and the timing for this could be placed shortly prior to or at the beginning of the 6th wave of creation about 5,100 years ago.

As we have come to understand meanwhile, nowadays we are existing past the time of fulfillment of the purpose of our universe.

We are still living in a world that is being dominated by duality, and this duality is moving into ever more dysfunctional forms of expression, while it becomes ever more difficult to bring our realm of being into resonance with the creational energies of the last creational wave of our universe, the universal wave, which is marked mainly by providing the prerequisites for unity consciousness. The completion of creation has opened the gateway back home. To pass through this gateway we must move out of our perception of duality, as this has been a temporary state of being during the time in which the 6th wave of creation had been the dominant one. The state of duality had also been supported by the 8th wave, albeit with a reversed polarity. (Please refer back to my above mentioned previous blog article regarding the timing of the various creation waves)

Coming back to the effects of the planetary forces, now is the time to follow the advice given by the Gnostics to ‘hand back’ the stamps we have been receiving through the planetary forces upon our re-incarnation into physical form.

If we ponder the reasons for the continued disconnection of our realm of being from the completed energetic waves of creation, we soon come to the conclusion that an interference must have happened to disconnect our world from the state of synchronicity with the universal creational energies. And by this interference our capability to perceive how, by whom, and for what purpose this has happened has become disabled as well. So, in a way we are collectively existing in a dark frame of mind, remote-controlled and at the mercy of powers we have no idea that they even exist. Only through our awakening can we reconnect with the universal creational process and our Source.

So, bringing all this back to the theme of Astrology, we can now deduct from the above that the planetary forces have indeed been hijacked and have been used to bring about our disconnection and limitation by the alien forces that have taken control over the earthly realm.

I am convinced that within the dance of the planets there are gateway moments in which an incarnation would be exposed to the most favourable energies in regards to an awakening. And I am certain that the controlling powers made sure that no birth takes place in those exact beneficial moments, so that certain elements are missing in the collective of humanity. On the other hand, there are moments of planetary constellations that can be used to bring certain human beings into an incarnation, human beings which become endowed with the exact set of traits needed to turn them into the humans which then become the controlling front for their alien masters whom they serve.

As you may have realized, the limitations and programming imposed on us upon birth prevent us from individually obtaining unity consciousness.

How are we going to accomplish this feat anyways?

There have been waves of volunteer souls incarnating during the 60’s until the 80’s of the past century that have been born at moments in time which make for a complimentary set of traits of energies, which enable these souls – when coming and working together – to bridge the gaps of traits in between and to form a whole that will be then capable to access and open the gateway to unity consciousness. This is what we now need to make happen.

To bring this into existence, we need to get in touch with one another, we need to create the space and time to come together beyond and past the lives we live currently, and tune into the necessary resonance to fulfill our purpose here on earth. It certainly is not what we are currently doing. What we are currently doing is what has been necessary to maintain our lives up until this point.

Since the group we will be forming will only encompass about 20 to 50 people, my book will be establishing the connection for everyone else to the energies being generated by the above-mentioned core group. As any printed book does, my book also has taken on a beingness which in this case is connected to me and what I endeavor to accomplish. In this way the achievements of the core group will be transported out to all those that have connected themselves to our joint mission through my book.

As well I am working on establishing a way of reaching out to you via a video podcast or channel, so that we can intensify our connection through this medium.

For more information, please refer to my other blog articles and to my book Awakening.

Thank you for your courage to step up to this challenge.

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