How we come to our conclusions

How we come to our conclusions

Do you own or run a business? Even if you do not, let’s just consider for a moment how you would go about running a company of any kind. And let us assume that this business has a size that requires a certain number of staff to operate it.

As an example, let’s imagine an airline. Imagine you are in charge of running an airline with a fleet of ten aircraft.

What would this entail in regards to the staff you need?

Well, in the first place you would need technicians who are capable of maintaining the planes and get them ready for a safe flight. You would of course need crews that are able to safely operate your aircrafts. And you would need quite a few other associates on your team. Those that make sure you have slots for the airports you want to fly to, and that all supplies you need are looked after and so on.

How would you go about filling the respective positions in your airline?

Would you hire someone with no training whatsoever as a pilot?

Or an author of children’s books as a mechanic?

You probably don’t want to read on as the answers to these questions are so obvious that it doesn’t make sense to pose them.

I think that if you were running a country like Germany, you would apply the same due diligence when selecting your staff as you would for your own company. So, it should make one wonder when the wellbeing of a highly industrialized country like Germany is being put into the hands and at the mercy of people that have either no experience at all or experiences that have nothing to do with their responsibilities in government. For example, the minister of health during the C-years had successfully completed an apprenticeship as a bank clerk. Some of the ministers in the current German government have no completed education or training at all and have never held a real job prior to becoming a government minister.

What does this have to do with our conclusions in life? How did we come to the conclusion that it would benefit us that there are countries in arbitrarily determined areas and that all these countries need a government?

I would like to posit that we come to such conclusions because we have been programmed from birth that a government is the best solution to keep a society in check and look after their needs. Our parents went through an educational system in their home country that put the conviction in their heads that they are lucky to live in a country with the best system of governance in the world. There might be criticism about those in government but in most countries, you seem to have the choice to elect another government that will make things better, that will serve you better. You might even think about different election rules, different electoral districts, or the like. But in any case, there will always be some people that make decisions on your behalf. You must delegate your own decision making, as it pertains to the essential things in your life, to someone else, as you seem uncapable to look after the delegated responsibilities yourself.

This again is a conclusion which most people come to. And again, their parents have already ‘sold’ these conclusions to their kids, and then the educational system comes along and reiterates this for years on end. And the ones who run your government and your country are not being selected according to their capabilities but according to criteria that we don’t know anything about. Those that make sure that these uncapable politicians come into power have their own agenda, which the general public is not being told about.

Coming back to the airline example: If you, the airline manager, would be receiving orders from someone who controls your activities and whose interest is not to safely transport people with your aircrafts but to eliminate certain persons, you would then not hire competent staff. Instead, you would see to it that you hire, for example, people that dream of wearing a pilot’s uniform and flying an aircraft just to show off, and you would make sure that they somehow get the plane off the ground. When it comes to landing the aircraft, these people will have no choice but to crash the plane as they will then realize that they have no idea of what to do. This is how government ministers are being selected. They have no idea of what to do in their jobs and will do whatever they are being told. And the electorate must live with this until the following election, where they only have the option to select another group of uncapable politicians with no experience, who continue the same agenda with some superficial changes. Look, for example, at how the passengers on a spaceship in the animated movie ‘Wall-E’ are being managed. They have no understanding whatsoever of where they are, why they are here, who they are, and so on. They have been mentally manipulated in a way that they have given up any form of a self-determined life and are only focused on the manipulated information they are being fed. And if they come to any conclusion at all, it is based on what they have been mentally fed through their controllers.

So, the conclusions we are coming to are based on the knowledge base that we have. This knowledge base depends on everything we have been taught and told by our parents, by religious leaders, by our teachers from daycare to grade 12 and later in college or university, by medical doctors, and not to forget: by television and any other form of conventional or social media. For example, most of these media lead us to the conclusion that a digitalized world will be doing us good.

I would like to provoke you with my own conclusion about all this. My conclusion is that we are being kept completely in the dark of who we really are, where we are coming from, how we got to where we are and in what state we are, and so on. We have currently no access to our own inner knowing, divinity, wisdom, and freedom as we are living in a state of complete mental control. Only because of this sad state of being has it been possible for our controllers to enact a supposed pandemic, or to destroy the WTC and blame it on some foreign terrorists with all that could then be justified afterwards, i.e., limiting the personal freedom of everyone else. And all this because we have collectively come to the conclusion that a government is to be considered trustworthy in regards to them acting to the best of our well-being.

I am aware that some readers of this blogpost will think that I am going too far with this conclusion. Well, I am by far not going far enough. Because I also live in this programmed reality, and I can only listen to an inner voice that has been telling me for decades that something here is seriously wrong. And during the past few years the causes of this feeling have become much more obvious. But I am also limited in my perception and my capability to look behind the façade of this world, like it has been for the character Truman Burbank (played by Jim Carrey in the movie The Truman Show) for most of his life.

Maybe you have come by now to the same conclusion as I have, that is, in order to get out of our manipulated view of the world we need to awake; even if this at first means that we will be horrified about what we discover behind the façade of this world. The most important part of our awakening however is that it will enable us to reconnect with the Source of our being, and that will make us from one moment to the other completely independent from any system that we still think we must have to survive. Whoever will reach this state first can be distinguished from any other human being by the fact that they will be able to provide you with whatever you need and with as much as you need without requiring anything from you in return. Especially they will not require any form of money. And they will be able to connect you with Source, too, if you just simply allow for this to happen.

This is why I have written Awakening and why I am writing these blog posts. I would like to gather likeminded people to form a group that will jointly embark on this journey of awakening. If you feel drawn to become part of this endeavor and would like to deepen your understanding about this, please join me in my book AwakAwakening by Stefan Beckerening for more information and inspiration on this subject. And please also feel free to get in touch with me through the contact form on my website.

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