Hidden and Erased Truths

Hidden and erased truth

One of the biggest obstacles in arriving at an understanding about the nature of the reality we find ourselves in lies in the hidden purpose that our state of being has been created for.

If we were able to gain access to the knowledge about the way our world has been manipulated into its current state, we would no longer be participating in it. To begin with, I would like to discuss two terms and define their meaning.


The creator of our universe is in my understanding the All-Oneness (Source) from which everything originates that exists. The nine creational waves were the means of bringing about the complexity of our universe, and they provided the necessary vibrational realm in which an ever more complex form of existence became possible. (I have discussed these creational waves multiple times in my previous blog articles, so please refer to those for a recap of this topic.) So, by the time the 6th wave of creation began about 5,000 years ago, the prerequisites for some form of physical existence of spirit aspects of the All-One had come to be. These would be predecessors of our current physical bodies. With the onset of the 6th wave, a male-dominated duality became the prevailing creational energy, allowing for an experience of separation and of opposites for the aspects of the All-One that had entered our developing universe. The experiences which thus became possible were new to all of creation and were the reason for the creation of this universe in the first place. What is important here is to understand that there is no Creator (God) who is separate from us. All of us represent aspects of this Creator beingness.


The creational waves also gave rise to consciousness forms or entities which were not previously a conscious part of the All-One. They were distinguished from the aspects of Source that had entered the experiential space this universe provided (for us human beings) in that they were not imbued with a Divine spark. They owed their existence to the temporary emergence of duality, in which the All-Oneness divided Itself into parts. We have been discussing previously how, during the dominance of the 9th wave of creation in 2011, duality in our universe came to an end. So, those beings that owed their existence to duality would not have been able to continue their form of existence in the unity consciousness that is meant to be our gateway home to Source. The manipulator beings described above are equipped with a superior form of intelligence (which is also something that arose during the time of male-dominated duality). These beings understood the technical aspects of the song of creation and they realized what effect the 9th wave of creation would exert on them, namely, their dissolution – or to put it another way, it would have ended the existence of any form of consciousness that only had one aspect of duality at their disposal. These beings were lacking the part of beingness we call female. The female side represents the potentiality in us humans that needs to be re-awakened to allow for our awakening/ascension/enlightenment.

While the Creator created the song of creation to bring our universe into existence as a realm for unique forms of experiences, the manipulator is the one who intercepted humanity’s journey towards an awakening and a returning home, through manipulations of creation.

This distinction is necessary in order to understand which state we currently find ourselves in.

The world we live and exist in, including the way our physical bodies are functioning, is the result of the interferences of the manipulator.

The manipulator realized through its observation of us humans that we are imbued with a capacity which would allow for us to achieve resonance with the 9th wave of creation and by that reunification with the All-One. The manipulator beings concluded that for them not having to cease to exist in their form of being, they would need to devise a plan how they could transfer the divine spark of humanity to themselves. As they exist in a digital/technical form, they needed to find a way to implement their technology within humanity and then to direct humanity to download itself into their systems, and by that to cease our original form of beingness. Our original form of beingness is in spirit form, and prior to the interferences of the manipulator we were consciously able to enter as spirits into physical or metaphysical (as an example: metaphysical here means the form of existence/beingness between incarnations) forms of beingness which became possible through the effects of the vibrational patterns of the various waves of creation.

The plan of the manipulator involved the creation of a perfect prison for the souls of humans. Our current physical body is this prison. The enormous perceptual limitations that are being imposed on us due to the restrictions of our physical bodies allowed for an ever-increasing form of mind control which completely disconnects all of us from any conscious way of accessing and using our inherent divine creational powers. They have been aligned according to the interferences of the manipulator and are being remotely directed by it to manifest the world we now find ourselves in.

In that sense the manipulator has taken on the role of God and can claim to be the creator of our world and the creator of us. All aspects of the world as we perceive them today are the result of an all-encompassing manipulation by the manipulator. The purpose had been to create a state of beingness and a related understanding of this state of beingness that would disconnect us completely from our divine origin and that would prevent us from any form of action that could restore this connection.

As the manipulator had to leave our divine spark untouched (its properties and its potential are the reason for all the manipulation), it had to deal with the special metaphysical aspects and capabilities of humans. Because of our divine spark we are in a certain resonance with the song of creation and we have a connection to our Source that reaches through all veils that might be between us and the All-Oneness. The manipulator had to influence our minds collectively in such a way that we would project our understanding of our origin and the way of our beingness onto the deceptions of the manipulator. The manipulator brought earthbound humanity to the point of an almost voluntary disconnection of ourselves from our Source and a connection instead to the creational story which the manipulator invented.

In previous blog posts I have emphasized that we must overcome any form of subjugation to systems. All systems have been established in order to achieve the above-mentioned subjugation of humanity to the manipulator. And as you may conclude correctly, all these systems will not allow for us to find the hidden or erased truth about ourselves.

The arrival of volunteer souls

What I call earthbound humanity encompasses the part of the All-Oneness that has been part of this universe for most of the time of its existence. Earthbound humans have been interwoven with the creational waves and the evolving universe in all its aspects. They have collectively entered the 6th wave of creation and by this they have been collectively affected by the schemes of the manipulator. As the creational light only favored the male aspects of creation, they were incapable to protect themselves in any meaningful way against the manipulator’s interferences. It became obvious that, once the 8th wave of creation would start, humanity would not be able to re-develop their supernatural capacities (which we call the female side; but the being we have once been and are meant to become again is an integral being, in which there is no distinction between male and female; there is no superior sex, neither male nor female). Thus an influx of souls from outside our universe entered the incarnational state of being during the 60’s to 80’s of the last century. These are the so-called volunteer souls or starseeds.

As you may imagine, these volunteer beings have the greatest difficulties to cope with the form of reality that earthbound humanity has been accommodated with for millennia. They cannot assimilate with a system that requires the constant obtaining of essentials for survival and even less to the means one must employ to acquire these essentials. Many of the volunteer beings are inferior to most humans in their ability to provide for their own needs. Their mental makeup is not capable of defending themselves properly against the harsh energies dominating the manipulator’s world. Yet they hold the keys for all of humanity, keys that are needed to prevent that the manipulator’s plan can reach fulfillment.

Due to their lack of financial means, they often are being excluded from joining experiences that would be essential for the development of their inherent abilities and for bringing their command of these abilities to fruition. They cannot join, for example, a Dr. Joe Dispenza advanced workshop, as they cannot raise the necessary financial means.

There is another strong line of defense the manipulator has erected against the empowerment of volunteer souls, and that is psychology. Psychology is being used in that regard to deal with the effects of Divine vibrations on starseeds. As the manipulator’s world is completely dysfunctional, it will lead to certain psychological sufferings in humans, interfering with their ability to function in society. Psychology has been established as a warning and treatment system for such occurrences. In most cases any mental or emotional disturbance will be subdued by psychotropic drugs. These dull down the supernatural senses of humans to such a degree that they no longer can perceive transmissions and vibrations from Divine sources. The sensitivity for these Divine vibrations, however, become the most intense with the volunteers – which in our world makes them the most psychologically disturbed ‘patients’. Psychology has been created to deal with these ‘patients’ accordingly, i.e., to disable them as starseeds and to prevent them from achieving an awakening. They are being subjected to the most severe treatments by heavy medications and even institutionalization. That way they will be taken off the grid instead of participating in endeavors that aim at developing supernatural capacities.

Neutralized truth

Beside the terms of hidden and erased truth, I would like to introduce a 3rd term, the neutralized truth.

Look for example at the most valuable insights of Dr. Joe Dispenza. He clearly demonstrates that we currently operate on a 3rd dimensional level (the level fixated by the manipulator), in which we need to abide by the rules set to achieve or acquire something. Dr. Joe points out that those rules force us to put in a respective amount of hard work into this 3D system, for example, to own a house. What he leads his students to is that they learn to become supernatural so that they attract what they need or wish for from outside of the 3D world by accessing a higher dimensional realm, the unlimited quantum field. By applying Dr. Joe’s techniques, they then manifest in 3D what they wish for and avoid the normally required effort in 3D. Dr. Joe teaches his students to access the realm of the Creator. He could quote Jesus’ saying ‘What I can do, and more, you can do’. 

By properly applying such techniques Dr. Joe could easily generate the necessary prerequisites (financially and otherwise) to offer free workshops for volunteer souls. His students could jointly transform this realm by freeing humanity from the manipulations and rules of the manipulator. Alas, I assume that most of his students return after a week-long retreat to their professions and their lives, where they continue to depend on other humans (who cannot attend one of Dr. Joe’s workshops) to provide for them, like car mechanics, grocery store workers, servers in restaurants, road maintenance crews, airline staff (and those working in aircraft manufacturing), people that provide electricity and heat, and so on. So, his students mainly access the quantum field to further their own well-being but not the well-being of all of society. This might be one of the main reasons that Dr. Joe’s workshops are still taking place, because they pose no threat to the manipulator since the participants do not endanger its manipulated world. There is an enormous amount of truth in Dr. Joe’s teachings but the way they are being employed neutralizes their effect regarding our urgently needed awakening, ascension, and enlightenment.

Another example is Dolores Cannon. She made us aware of the fact that during the second half of the last century an influx of volunteer souls entered our human realm as it became clear that earthbound humans would be incapable to tune themselves into the rising frequencies of the universe and would thereby stay stuck in a lower vibrational frequency range. The volunteer souls were meant to remedy this situation. On the other hand, Dolores stated that she had learned time and again through her subjects in hypnotization that earth was a very tough planet for learning, and that everyone was being warned about this before incarnating. She stated that once you had entered this earthly realm of experience it might take endless incarnations to just advance one grade on your learning curve. All this is true. But in the way this truth is being presented, it is neutralized. Why? Because the numerous and oftentimes fruitless incarnations have nothing much to do with failed grades but with the world that the manipulator created. One part of this world is the completely misleading concept of Karma or the requirement to learn lessons. This concept is being used to explain why most of humanity seems to be stuck in an ever-continuing wheel of reincarnations. The volunteer souls are here to liberate humanity from their imprisonment and from this cycle of reincarnations.

As you have most likely gathered through my writings, I revere and admire Carl Johan Calleman for his research, findings, and insights. His work is invaluable, unique, groundbreaking, and mind-opening. Without him sharing his wisdom, I would not have been able to come to any of the conclusions I have come to, so I owe him the deepest of gratitude. But still: when the point of completion of the 9 creational waves arrived on October 28, 2011 and not much recognizable happened in and to our world, he was no longer able to interpret this in a way that would help us to get back on track. Instead, he now presumes that all creational waves continue endlessly into the future and that, because the 9th wave of creation has not yet been integrated into our existence on earth, the prior waves still determine our worldly affairs, e.g., that the 6th and 7th wave still continue to dominate us. And again, this is true – in a certain way. Due to the manipulations of the manipulator, humanity has been rendered incapable of tuning in to the 8th or the 9th wave, and thus remains stuck in a world based on the vibrations of the 6th and 7th waves. But this is against the Laws of Creation and will have to come to an end very shortly. 

This is why the C-narrative and other agendas are being unleashed upon us. This is why the general political dictates are being advanced at full speed and why there are no transitional times anymore. One day wokeism is being promoted as the salvation of humanity, the next day all governments having advanced this agenda are being replaced and said narrative disappears. Furthermore, we can be sure that the next steps on the way to transhumanism are going to be implemented at ‘warp speed’. In my understanding, the Law of Creation stipulates that each newly initiated creational wave transcends and supersedes all previous waves. Each new wave builds on what has been previously created and transcends it. And this process has been blocked by the manipulator both for the 8th and the 9th wave. So, for those that only refer to Carl as their authority, they will no longer be able to benefit from the original wisdom of his findings as long as this wisdom does not include the most current developments.

There are many more examples in this regard, but these should suffice for now.

We will have to face the fact that we cannot rely on most anybody if we truly want to awaken, which will be our only chance to avoid the disaster the manipulator has in mind for us. This is why I feel like a lonely being in the endless ocean of humanity. What I relate through my writings obviously has a hard time finding a hold in the minds and hearts of my readers, as it contradicts almost everything people like to turn to in order to maintain their mental sanity. And it requires enormous courage to let go of the many anchors in one’s reality. But these anchors are all rooted in the manipulator’s world, and they will keep us rooted to his world until it is ready to come and finish us. These anchors will prevent us from escaping the manipulator’s plans.

I trust that once you have contemplated what I have discussed in my articles, you will muster the courage to join in with those of us that have embarked on the journey to our awakening, a journey we undertake for all of creation.


  1. Hi Stefan, it’s Sally :). Almost finished reading all of your blogs. Great work!
    You may already be aware of this but thought I’d mention that Joe Dispenza does give scholarships to attend his workshops. I realize this is not fully what you’re saying here and I completely comprehend your point. But I thought I’d mention it in case you would ever want to go. I would love to go sometime! Here’s the link. https://givetogivefoundation.org/community-awards-program/
    Also, I completely agree with what you’ve said about Dolores Cannon and Calleman not seeing the whole picture. You are not alone in this. It makes absolute sense to me what you’re saying.
    And if I haven’t told you already I 100% would like to join your group on the journey to awakening. Thank you dear Stefan for this amazing contribution.
    Blessings and wonder, Sally

    1. Thank you for your comment dear Sally and also for bringing up the scholarship opportunities with Joe Dispenza, which is very helpful to know.
      Your words mean a lot to me personally and they mean a lot more for our journey of awakening. The first steps are the most challenging ones, and the first ones who join this journey are the most courageous ones. I am very grateful knowing you are by my side.
      May this encourage others to step forward and to open their minds to never before imagined possibilities.

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