Guidance comes in different ways

Guidance comes in different ways

Sometimes guidance comes in disguise. For example, through a dream that guides you to certain thoughts you would otherwise not have had. Such happened to me this morning. I vividly recalled a dream, together with emotions and even sensual perceptions — like the way a cup of coffee tasted which I drank in this dream. 

A dream about coffee and books

In my dream, I was sitting in a coffee shop located in some far away part of the world I had never visited before. On a shelf hidden away, I found some books for sale. The books had all been wrapped in clear plastic foil to protect them. The main realization in this sequence of my dream was just how rare and special it was to still encounter some real books for sale anywhere at all, as this becomes more and more rare in the real world, too (considering the ongoing digitalization of everything). Even a coffee shop like this had already become a real exception in my dream.

After discovering the books and returning to my table, and although I did not have a lot of money to spend, I decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity and have a coffee. In the end, it turned out to be the very best coffee I have ever had so far. I also checked if I had been given a cookie or something to eat with the coffee, and saw that there was a special homemade cookie placed on the saucer.

This dream got me thinking when I woke up. First about books in general, then about my own book, and finally about my editor who had just asked me to write some blog posts for the upcoming publication of my book and the corresponding homepage. So here is the insight my thought process guided me to:

A book needs to be touched

I realized that it is of utmost importance for the reader to study and physically connect with my book Awakening: Unraveling the deception hidden in our reality and the way back home. Of course, this would apply to any book of importance.

Why not an electronic version? Whenever you use an electronic device like your laptop, a computer, a cell phone, a tablet, a tv, a smart device, and so on, you are being monitored. The device is recording everything you do with it, everything your face reveals (through its camera), where you are, who is with you, and many more things we don’t really know about. And all this information is being added to an enormous file in which all previous data has been assembled about you, including your work, health, credit, and debit card history, and so on. This information is being used to manipulate and steer you in a direction that is most beneficial to the ones that rule our realm of being on this plane of existence.

So, if you consider to get to know the ideas and proposals shared in my book, I would like to suggest that you get yourself a printed copy. And I would further suggest that you read it while your mobile devices have been turned off and you are in an environment where there are no other such devices of other people close by. And I would also recommend that, while reading Awakening, you try and reduce your intake of too much other, often contradictory spiritual information which comes through all the various channels available online.

The impact of too much spiritual information

While it might seem like a blessing in these confusing and troubling times to have so many sources that promise to provide solace, this is unfortunately not helpful in regards to what urgently needs to be done to free yourself from the deadly shackles of this dysfunctional world. Through these many different sources of advice and information, every previous progress you have achieved in gaining a form of understanding is quickly being overwritten and replaced. And you are never making a real leap of understanding, which is exactly why you are being bombarded and confused by often conflicting ideas and concepts.

More on this will follow in future blog posts, and of course you can read about it in my book. Hopefully, you will join me and the other readers in being a part of the mission I propose therein.

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