Free Will - Stefan Becker Awakening

Free Will

For the majority of people in the western world, the concept of “free will” means to have as much freedom as the laws allow for. They assume that the laws only limit one’s freedom where the welfare of other people would be endangered.

Laws are different in each country and the definition of freedom is as well.

What is very similar in nearly all countries, however, is that you have the ‚right‘ – and often the obligation, too – to receive an education. The education forms your understanding of who you are, where you are, how you got there, what happened throughout ‘history’, what evolution is about, what religion is about, how it came that society has been organized the way it is now, what the meaning of your life is, and so on and so on.

All this education is intended to transmit the same understanding to everyone anywhere regarding the above-mentioned topics, and more. Many of these subjects form what I call the frame network, and they are being taught with the same intention and content all over the world.

Nowadays the educational system is being supplemented by a multitude of media and social media in an unimaginable abundance. These media are an important tool in deliberately creating almost any understanding we have about almost everything, because the constant repetition of an information for a long enough time leads one to believe it. During the past decades, we have been led to derive our opinions and understanding from the information that is being constantly presented to us.

Authorities, governments, and free will

By this we have been brought to accept certain structures that manage the way we live our lives. We have accepted that we need someone at the head of government who will be the superior representative of not only the whole population of our country, but also of all the ministries and functions below him. We have accepted the alleged need for an almost unlimited (and ever-increasing) amount of legislation which regulates and organizes ALL aspects of our lives. We have accepted the structures, agencies, and authorities enforcing said legislation. Among all the aspects of ‘government’ there is also the area of education from daycare to university. And the authorities determine what is to be included in the respective curriculum, thereby ensuring a common and consensual understanding of the above-mentioned aspects of our existence. This is then being continued and intensified by all the other channels we busy our mind with, e.g., news, tv, movies, books, magazines, social media, and so on. All these institutions and most of the channels are being centrally orchestrated to achieve a certain mindset throughout all of humanity, be it a western democracy or monarchy, an eastern communist country, the Russian empire, or an African or South American country. There is always a similar governmental structure enforcing very similar governmental rules and laws. In such a structure, the individual citizen’s influence regarding the way their country is being run is limited to them being allowed to vote for some pre-selected candidates in elections, candidates that will never personally be held accountable for their actions.

All these societal and governmental constructs have been established as tools to manipulate and program the minds of all humans on earth in ways that lead the people to subordinate themselves to certain rules and dictates.

Due to all this endless manipulation, we have completely lost our ability to exercise our free will in any way whatsoever.

In order to gain an understanding of what free will is and how we can enact it, we need to liberate us from any form of dependency on ALL the structures that have been erected around us, including the educational, medical, financial, governmental, industrial, agricultural, judicial, medial, religious, and communications systems. They all form a mental prison that renders us humans incapable, limited, and dependent.

Before we start with such a thought process, we need to understand one more important topic.

All the above-mentioned systems have been developed and implemented to achieve complete physical, mental, and spiritual control over humanity. They are not meant to achieve anything good for us. Thus, it will not suffice to just put more (supposedly) ethical people in charge of those systems. These systems were meant to suppress the re-development of supernatural powers within humanity and to eradicate people who carried the capability to reconnect humanity with their true origin at the right time (1999 to 2011).

The last will be the first

Those that are the most compatible with the artificially created systems around us and have become the most successful and wealthy people in the world we currently live in, will be the very last who will be able to transition from our current state of being to an awakened state of being. They have been bred throughout the ages through the educational and academic systems to become the main enforcers of the narratives necessary to bring all of humanity in such a disempowered and dependent state of being. Theirs is not a superior understanding of the reality of all aspects of our existence. Theirs is a superior disconnection from the Divine, and as such they have the capability to accept the artificially created form of reality we live in as the only reality there is. Let me provide one example for this. These compatible and successful people all adhere to the thesis that our human bodies are the result of an evolutionary process, brought into this world by physical means, i.e., pregnancy and birth. Then they all agree that the human body is a vulnerable and fragile thing, meaning it can get sick, is endangered by exposure to cold and hot, will begin early in life to deteriorate and age, and eventually will become so fragile that it again needs to be cared for like it was when it was born. This narrative is one of the cornerstones of the so-called reality we as humans find ourselves in. We don’t need highly ‘educated’ people explaining this sad state of affairs to us from a ‘scientific’ point of view. What we need is people who reconnect us with our inherent supernatural capabilities and who reenable us to use them to our benefit. Then we would immediately become independent from any outside system, and we would not only be able to care perfectly well for ourselves in any aspect of our lives but we would also be able to do this for as many people around us as are in such need. The more you have succumbed to the limiting mental programming (i.e., the longer you have stayed in the conventional educational system), the bigger the hurdles to overcome this have become. As most academic’s status in this world depends upon the functions in society they were able to obtain with their education, and as such a status also depends upon their intellectual authority and superiority over the majority of people, their fear of giving up this status is way bigger than with people who have achieved next to nothing in conventional society. This is why the last will be the first.

Looking at all the above, we can jointly share the conclusion that nobody has free will. And hardly anyone understands how free will may look like. There are still some supposedly spiritual or esoteric teachers who enforce the mental prison we exist in by telling us that we have brought upon ourselves the conditions we exist in by having used our free will. Thinking about it in this way can really be depressing, to put it mildly.

But this is why you and I have gathered here together to understand who we are, where we are, how we got here and, most importantly, how to get out of here!

Steps to Awakening

So, one of our first steps on our path to awakening is to make an assessment of the circumstances we find ourselves in. We have worked on that with the above discussion.

Now that we have gained more clarity about these fundamental questions, we can begin to chart a course that will lead to our awakening, enlightenment, and to our unlimited freedom. I assume that many of us would state that this is what we want to use our free will for. Part of it is to learn about how we got to where we are now and to understand for what purpose this situation has come to be.

And this leads us to one of our biggest challenges of all. We have to muster the courage to embark on mental and spiritual journeys that lead us beyond any aspect of the manipulated and artificially created ‘reality’ we are surrounded by. As you may have guessed, the earth-controlling powers who have brought our current form of reality into existence have put in a lot of effort to erase every connection to and understanding of the realm of our origin, thus making sure that the most we may accomplish is to run around in circles but never in a straight line toward the border between our reality and our origin. So, the journey you and I will embark on is one where there is no map to be relied on, no one to turn to as our guide, and no record of how to achieve our goal.

We must let go of all our preconceived ideas and have to open our hearts, souls, and minds to the numinous which is beyond our current mental capacity to understand.

How is this meant to be successful if we are currently incapable to understand where we need to go? Well, as wondrous as it may sound, the most important thing is to jointly embark on this journey. All along the journey we will re-discover everything we need to become whole again, and we will also encounter the benevolent beings that have sent us here on our current mission. These beings are waiting at the vibrational threshold between our reality and theirs to assist us with anything we possibly may need to accomplish our task. We need to overcome our internal intellectual barriers and leave behind all status and fame we have accrued throughout our current lifetime, and enter this group process as equals among equals. Some of us have achieved such a great status in this world that for them this step may be the most challenging of all. But for all of us this will be the only way we can free ourselves out of the prison we currently exist in. And this prison does not only include our physical existence but also the realm we enter at death. With our acceptance of the fundamentals of the manipulated world we live in, i.e., the frame network, we also unconsciously direct our individual divine creational force into making those limitations reality. And this catches up with us upon the death of our physical body. At that point we enter an energetic field that is constantly empowered by the collective creational energies of all currently incarnated human beings, and thus being directed and controlled.

I have described above how we would have to disconnect us from this manipulated form of reality. And there is an easy way to determine whether someone has achieved this already or not. If you have successfully achieved the disconnection from this reality, then you will have immediately liberated yourself from the processes of ageing and dying. The physical death means that a person has definitely not yet achieved this form of consciousness and will instead be subject to the respective manipulations in the 4th dimensional realm – which will force upon them a reincarnation according to the willful decisions of the controller beings who have directed our fate for the past centuries.

We could lead many a discussion about what I have written above. Or we could trustfully and faithfully embark on our journey together and share what we discover there. We could also form two groups which are separate from one another, one group for the journey and one for the discussion. It is endless discussions though which have been holding us back up until now. Or maybe one could say that the monologues and dialogues of our esoteric guides have held us back, because their status in the world depends upon our feeling of inferiority toward them.

Dear fellow star seed, thank you for your courage to read my blog posts and for taking the time to ponder about the topics I am presenting. If I have been able to provide some inspiration and vision to you, I would be most grateful. I invite you to explore the many other blog articles on my homepage and to the study of my book Awakening, too.

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