Does it help to study spiritual wisdom from decades and centuries ago?

Does it help to study spiritual wisdom from decades and centuries ago?

It is generally understood that venerable masters from the olden days or teachers and authors from several decades ago can still convey to us helpful wisdom that we may apply in beneficial ways to our daily lives.

However, this would only make sense if the old teachers and masters had gained their insights in the same energetic universal environment that we nowadays live in. Only then would we be able to extract really helpful wisdom and understanding from their work.

Now, first we need to find out whether the universal energetic environment is still the same as it was, say, 25 years ago. There is strong evidence that the energies have massively changed during that time, and that the insights you may gather today are completely different and much more expanded than they were even 15 years ago.

How did I come to this conclusion?

Well, let us look at the creational cosmic energies that brought our realm of existence into being. If you study the works of Carl Calleman in regards to his understanding of the Mayan Calendar, you will learn that there were 9 distinguished energetic waves that have become the foundation of our realm of experience.

The first creational wave started 16.4 billion years ago, and the final and 9th wave started on March 9, 2011. All of these waves reached their fullest expression simultaneously on October 28, 2011, the end of the Mayan Calendar (Carl calculated an end date for the Mayan Calendar that differs from the commonly accepted end date of December 21, 2012). Each sequential of these 9 waves was marked by a twenty-fold increase of vibrational frequency compared to the previous wave. So with every newly beginning wave, new aspects were added to creation and to the consciousness within this creation. 

If you are interested in this topic, I recommend reading the books of Carl Johan Calleman.

What is important here is that in 1999 the 8th creational wave began, and in 2011 the 9th wave. The energies and the impact these two waves had on creation were not included in any discussion prior to their presence. That means, all insights and conclusions reached prior to 1999 were limited to the reality as it had been then, namely, dominated by the energies and main creational emphasis of the then dominant 6th and 7th creational waves and their related frequencies.

A new understanding and a new view of the universe

What I have observed on my spiritual journey throughout the past 30 years is that, due to outer interference, nearly all of humanity is building their entire understanding of where they are, who they are, and what they are, on the collective understanding as it has been established throughout the past 5,300 years, when the 6th wave of creation began, which is also called The Long Count by the Maya. And this collective understanding is no longer valid in light of the presence of the 8th and 9th wave and the ensuing expansion of consciousness. 

If you feel that something is wrong with the state of our world, and if all your searching for a solution or an escape route out of the current worldwide developments remains unfulfilled, then I would like to invite you to join me on my quest to reconnect our realm of being with the universal forces of our origin. We can do this by familiarizing us with the energies, vibrations, and potentialities that have become available since 1999, i.e., since the beginning of the 8th creational wave. And you can do this by leaving behind the limiting mind set of the previous creational energies (that have meanwhile served their divine purpose) and by opening yourself to who you were and who you are meant to become. 

I know that this has been a tour de force, and so much still remains unsaid. If you are interested in finding out more, I would like to refer to my book Awakening: Unraveling the deception hidden in our reality and the way back home.

If what I write about there resonates with you, perhaps you might want to join me on our journey back to source.

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