Digital Voodoo Dolls

Digital Voodoo Dolls

You may have heard about voodoo dolls. It is a doll that can be built from various materials to represent the form of a human being. For example, it can be made from cloth, or clay. Some physical matter from the human being that the voodoo doll is meant to represent is usually included within the effigy doll.

Infused with some archaic magic, this doll is then energetically connected to the actual human being it resembles. When the creator of the voodoo doll now begins to inflict injury or pain to the doll by poking certain body parts or by harming certain limbs or organs, the living human suffers accordingly.

So, what is a digital voodoo doll then?

From almost every human being living today, a digital voodoo doll exists. And these effigies surpass any ancient archaic voodoo dolls by far.

How are these digital voodoo dolls being created?

Their creation is achieved by collecting any digital information available about every single human being. This is achieved by the constant monitoring of every digital device we humans use. Our business and private cell phones, our tablets, and our smart devices (Alexa, sound link or smart speakers, digital fridges, smart TVs, our vehicles, and so on). Additionally, every information gathered through other people’s devices that we interact with, GPS data, public surveillance cameras and so on, add their input that is going into this digital voodoo doll. This also includes all information shared online via social media, e-mail, customer accounts, loyalty programs, e-readers, usage of debit and credit cards, and so on. I think you get the picture.

All this information can be gathered easily and in no time, and is used to form a digital blueprint of our whole being in this lifetime. Our voice is being recorded through our cell phones almost 24/7, our image is being captured by all the cameras we constantly are in front of. All this together forms our digital voodoo doll.

Now it is possible to digitally influence this blueprint of ours that has been saved in computer networks and thereby influence the living being that we are. More subtle ways of manipulation may be used by determining the contents we come into touch with through google searches or news articles that are being brought to our attention, or maybe much more drastic ways are used to manipulate us that cause us illnesses or accidents. This is possible on an energetic level, but most people can relate more to the fact that this kind of manipulation is achieved through direct intervention via the various digital networks (3G, 4G, 5G, Starlink, WLAN, and so on). You should be aware that there are super computers in existence that have access to every digital information imaginable at any given time. These computers are not bound by any privacy legislation. It can be assumed that these computing systems are already able to eliminate any digital assets, be they in a conventional form or in a crypto currency.

Meanwhile, the possibilities of influencing and intervening in individual lives have reached unimaginable heights.

Why don’t we know about this?

What we must ask ourselves is: What is the real reason for this insane collection of digital data? Who is doing this and for what purpose? In my book Awakening: Unraveling the deception hidden in our reality and the way back home I share my knowledge about this and other topics and describe a possible way out of this digital voodoo prison. Because to find an answer to these questions has meanwhile become the most urgent and important thing for our future existence.

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