Before the onset of duality approximately 5,000 years ago, unity consciousness had been the default state of awareness for humanity. A shamanic state of perception was the norm in those times.
With the dawn of duality at the beginning of the long count of the Mayan calendar a new energy became dominant in our universe, i.e., a male-dominated form of duality. This shift of energy back then began to dim humanity’s unity consciousness. The more prominent the dualistic energy became, the more effort it took to maintain some form of holistic awareness about reality. With time, more and more people completely lost their direct connection to the Divine, and it became necessary to identify those who still had a predisposition to supernatural perception. Those ones later became the shamans that were able to access unity consciousness and could therefore provide guidance from a higher perspective to their communities. Other ways to preserve a connection to a higher consciousness had been achieved by a special initiation, for example, initiations that priestesses or druids underwent.
A culture in Central America that preserved this capability had been the Maya. As a people, they kept their connection to a higher consciousness intact and they passed on this knowledge from generation to generation. They even embedded their understanding into the structures they erected, like the great pyramid at Chichén Itzá in the Yucatan/Mexico.
The Maya also had still been able to perceive the ‘future’. They were well aware of a development that would eventually completely block any way of reconnecting to the realm beyond the 3D physical world. Back then they decided to leave our realm of being as a people and to return to their (and our) Source. This explains the sudden disappearance of the Maya.
Some time into the dualistic time period of the 6th wave of creation (please refer to my other blog articles and my book for more information on the meaning of the 9 waves of creation), a new form of consciousness appeared in the vibrational energy field humanity existed in. This consciousness may be considered alien from our perspective, because it did not originate from the All-Oneness in the same way that we, the human beings did. This ‘alien’ form of consciousness is not imbued with a Divine spark and has no possibility of connecting with our Divine Source. As our universe had already reached its energetic completion back in 2011 and as its now higher-vibrational pattern would no longer support a low-vibrating form of existence, these alien beings would not be able – at least not in their current state of consciousness – to move into the final vibrational energies of our universe.
You may wonder why then are we still coexisting with the alien beings, and where are those higher vibrational energies and how can we access them? We will get to that shortly.
Soon after entering our realm of existence, those alien beings realized that our common time of coexistence would be limited, as they saw that humans were imbued with an essence that tied them back to a realm of being that would outlast this universe. (By the way, our human form of existence back then had been fundamentally different from the one we are currently in.) As these alien beings possess a superior form of intelligence and technology, they were able to devise a plan of action that took advantage of the dualistic energy of the 6th wave, and more so of the 7th wave of creation, and they enacted measures to fully and completely disconnect humanity from any form of unity consciousness. This happened through the elimination of people still capable of supernatural perception and awareness. They contaminated and disfigured all physical places that provided access to energies that allowed for supernatural experiences. Besides, they enacted worldwide resets through gigantic natural disasters which you may have read about, for example, in the scriptures of the Hopi. As in the Bible, in the stories of the Hopi humanity was blamed for the respective endings of various worlds through heavenly induced catastrophes. After such disasters, so the stories go, the earth was repopulated by the creator beings, offering a new chance for humanity to do things right. Sadly, each successive civilization ended in annihilation in one form or another.
All this followed the master plan of the alien beings to prepare humanity in a way that would eventually, at the end of days, make it possible for them to transfer the special ingredient in a human soul to themselves, the ingredient that enables humans to return to the All-One. Their master plan is the harvesting of souls. It was most important for them to completely disconnect all of humanity from their awareness of who they are and where they are, where they came from, and how they will eventually return back home. Therefore, the alien beings began to genetically and physically manipulate the human body into its current state. After each worldwide reset, a degraded and newly manipulated body was made available for the spirits of humans to reincarnate into. In such manner, for example, the reptilian portion of our brain got inserted so as to dominate our awareness and perception with survival issues. These issues became ever more prominent as the capability of nourishing ourselves through energetic means (like prana) got suppressed. Also, humans were no longer able to materialize and dematerialize objects and instead had to obtain them through external means. You may realize that this has led to us being completely at the mercy of external systems and that we are no longer able to care for ourselves on our own.
Alongside each reset, a newly devised ‘history’ was imparted that led people to the conclusion that their newly emerged civilization had been the result of a gradual evolution, and that they had now achieved the highest level of civilization since the existence of humanity, while in fact quite the opposite is true. Step by step, humanity has been led to the form of understanding about themselves that we share today. And whenever someone still developed traits that would allow for them to gain a deeper understanding, these people got eliminated as quickly as possible.
Coming back to my question posed above, why we are still existing in a vibrational environment together with these alien beings?
On the one hand, because the earthly controllers have blocked us through all the above-mentioned manipulations from going into resonance with the necessary vibrational fields, so that we were not able to tune into them and experience the respective change of consciousness. Second, they manipulated our collective mind in such a way that we would empower a frequency barrier between our realm of existence and the rest of our universe. By this, we are living inside a bubble of low vibrational force and, as I have mentioned previously in other articles, this state of being can only exist for a very limited amount of time. Thus, we now experience the final push of the earth-controlling forces to complete their master plan and to get ready to separate humans from their essence.
The crossing to Avalon
In the face of all these atrocities, you may wonder why there is no Divine interference? But there is. It’s you. You and the other volunteer souls have decided to take on this task of opening this realm of existence to the Divine creational energies of the 8th and 9th wave of creation. Alas, we have become victim of the scheming of the earthly controllers as well and have, at least temporarily, lost our way. My book and my blog articles are meant to provide you with a way back to your memory of why you are here, so that we together can undertake our crossing to Avalon.
Avalon in this context means a representation of a higher vibrational form of reality which overlaps with ours. The novels by Marion Zimmer Bradley describe quite well how humanity became more and more disconnected from their ability to journey between differently vibrating forms of reality. With time it became ever more difficult to cross over to the Island of Avalon by using the required bark. The author also describes well how this effort of suppression sounded through the veil separating these worlds (i.e., the church bells that you could hear on the island). It’s not so much a journey into astral spaces somewhere far away that we need to undertake, but it is a journey into another frequency realm that exists parallel with the one we currently exclusively perceive.
It is my understanding that we must undertake this endeavor as a group effort and that it will require of us to leave our current lives behind, at least for 3 to 6 months. We will have to mitigate all artificial radio and radar signals as best as possible, and we will have to disconnect us from the endless stream of communication and information we are being constantly showered with.
Even if everything that will make our journey to Avalon possible will only fall into place as we go, you may have come to the conclusion that we have to start off with this endeavor now. We came here as a group of souls to embody the Divine intervention that would open the gateway back home for all beings on this earth, and for all of humanity. We should live up to our task now and stop waiting for something else to happen or deluding ourselves with the illusion that ‘everything is going according to plan’ or that ‘all will be well; we just have to be patient’. That approach is only serving the agenda of the alien beings.
I hope that you will soon join in so that we can begin to build our bark and learn together how to cross over to Avalon.