Converging realities

Converging realities

When reading through some of my blog articles, you might simply shake your head as you may not be able to connect what I am talking about in any way with the reality you live your life in. It may seem to you that I am mentally existing in a form of fantasy reality. None of what I write about seems to be applicable to the world we have to live in, and you may be aware of many other sources of information that manage to inspire you while still keeping some form of recognizable connection to our form of existence intact.

And this outlines the main problem of why nobody as of yet has truly embarked on our much-needed escape from the mental prison we all exist in. And the reason for why what I am talking about doesn’t connect with anything tangible in most people’s understanding has been willfully caused by the complete disconnection of humanity from any knowledge or memory of our state of being before the last reset. This disconnection is necessary for the controllers of this world to ensure that humanity in its totality will stay unaware of and obedient to the manipulations of these earthly controllers. Because if we became aware of what has been going on in regards of interference with our state of existence, we would immediately get off this train to oblivion. But instead of becoming aware, we reject that such central interference with our world has even happened.

I would like to shed some more light on the ways of how this interference has been undertaken so utterly successful.

A way for you to begin gaining an understanding of how such alien interference has taken place would be to look in detail at the great World Expositions, for example the Barcelona Universal Exposition in 1888 and the Chicago World Fair in 1893. We are being told that unimaginably complex structures and cities had been erected in an inconceivably short period of time. Especially the Expo in Chicago surpassed in its beauty, artistry, and quality anything that had been seen so far in regular metropolitan areas in the US at that time. And despite all this beauty and expenditure, these almost magical places got completely destroyed right after the Expo ended. They were being eradicated from the face of the earth, for reasons not to be fathomed. If one were to look behind the façade of these events, one might become aware that these World Fairs were obviously not meant to usher in a more developed way of living, but that we witnessed the visible demolition of a way of living that had been far advanced from the one we now have to endure.

What we can deduct, for a start, is that back then people were able to erect structures much faster and with way more ease than we can do nowadays. Also, regarding solidity, beauty, and esthetics, we don`t achieve any comparable results nowadays. I presume that prior to the time of the World Expos, the provision of food, clothing, shelter, and other essentials had been generally much easier than it is nowadays and that one did not have to put much of an effort into providing for oneself. There were still forces present and available that assisted with this and allowed for a much more peaceful, creative, and enjoyable form of living than we experience it in the hectic world we find ourselves in these days. The world that humanity experienced back in the early 19th century was one where already most people had become dependent on food, the necessity for shelter, clothing, supply of transportation, and all the other things that needed to be provided externally, but this didn’t seem to be a problem back then, as the earthly controllers made sure that everything needed was available easily and in abundance. So, it seemed to be a nice and acceptable experience back in the day.

That all changed after the reset marked by the demolition of the Expo sites and the eradication of the culture that was all-encompassing in those times. This worldwide reset led to a disconnection of all of humanity from the way of being provided for with the essentials as they had been used to and which was normal prior to the reset. Suddenly the outside supply of all essentials wouldn’t be provided any longer in an almost automatic fashion but one was faced with a harsh set of rules that needed to be abided by to obtain the very essentials to maintain one’s physical existence. And we all can confirm that this hasn’t improved since then. These new rules ensured that we were suddenly busy all the time with working in one form or another just to prevent starving or being exposed to the harsh elements caused by the succession of seasons. Speaking of seasons (you might have guessed that I would come to this topic as well): Yes, the seasons have also been implemented not so long ago as a means of causing imbalance and extremes that would endanger humans if they weren’t taking proper precautions. Imagine how life would be if the sun would move in ways that would ensure a balanced climate worldwide (which the sun once did).

Yes, I know. We are being told how the climate has supposedly been eons ago, and we are being told that the movement of the sun has always been the way it is now. As I have mentioned in previous articles, after each of the many resets our civilization went through, our history was re-written in a completely new fashion. Because of this, we have in this regard no reliable sources available any more.

Now how can we begin our journey to become able to converge these completely different looks at reality?

As painful as it may be, we could take our first step by unraveling what has happened under the disguise of the C-virus-narrative during the past 4 years. Because this is an excellent example of how we are being sold a ‘reality’ that is not real. You would need to be willing to face this false narrative head on and with no preconceived ideas. 

All we have been told by governments, the media, and ‘science’ has been manipulated information. If you dive deep into this subject, you will find out that there has neither been a naturally occurring new form of virus nor one that had escaped from a laboratory. The only thing that happened was something that occurs every year with varying intensity. Up until 2019, each year a certain number of flu cases occurred worldwide with a certain number of deaths caused by them. In 2020 the common flu literally disappeared and a supposedly new form of respiratory disease suddenly showed up. Cases and death rates of this new form were now being counted not only according to the number of infected people with flu symptoms, but also according to the results of a newly devised ‘test’ that determined that suddenly completely healthy and symptomless people were to be considered infected. And if someone died in a car crash and had been tested positive prior to this accident, they were counted into the statistics of deaths caused by the alleged C-virus. One could have pulled off this pandemic scenario in any previous year during flu season by counting healthy people as sick, and by redefining the causes of death based on results derived from a test that was never suitable for detecting infections.

Today many documents and statistics emerge that prove that nothing of significance happened in 2020 and 2021, except for the manipulations and measures taken by governments worldwide to combat this supposed threat. And these measures were selected according to their psychological effects on the entire population. Causing fear of one another (with the help of the media), mandating face coverings, enforcing tests, locking entire societies down, and so on – you have lived through it as well as I have.

Serious health issues only began to arrive as the so called ‘vaccines’ started being administered. A toxic mix of poisonous and harmful substances, alien to our bodies, was being injected, spread throughout the body and began to cause harm in multiple ways. Lots of excess deaths in younger age groups and lots of other illnesses and sufferings occurred which were falsely attributed to the long-term effects of the alleged virus. And despite all the evidence available today, anyone claiming what I describe here is still by most people conveniently considered and labeled a conspiracy theorist.

Should you belong to the ones that can see through this deception, then this will enable you to remove yourself from the frame network of our consensual reality and to enter the realm where freedom, enlightenment, awakening, and our gateway home are located. Because you are now aware of the dimensions and impact this false narrative has achieved and continues to achieve.

How has it been possible that in March of 2020 nearly every government in the world, almost all well-known experts and scientists, and all mainstream media worldwide came simultaneously to identical conclusions regarding the ‘dangers’ of the newly emerged virus? Someone must have prepared this scenario very well for something like that to be possible. Someone must have been able to place the required heads of government in any country, state, county, and so on ahead of this event, to make sure they would all enforce similar measures against their own people. The same applies to all courts of law, as it became suddenly possible for any government to violate the constitutional rights of their own people without any backlash from the courts. The same applies also to the worldwide mainstream media and journalists whose task it should have been to investigate the claims being made regarding this threat and to look beyond the surface. Instead, the media became the main tool in misleading and intimidating the populace. And how could it be achieved that almost all practitioners in the medical field, including medical doctors, blindly followed suit and inflicted unimaginable harm and damage to the ones they injected with the so-called ‘vaccines’? And, last but not least (and we could go on and on, but this list should suffice to make the point), someone had installed an educational system that made sure to program students of all levels of intelligence in such a way that they would follow such an agenda obediently without bringing it into question, thus producing citizens who would willingly accept that anyone with a different opinion had to be mercilessly punished in the name of protecting everyone else.

To make all of this happen, someone must have exercised complete control over our realm of being for a long time prior to the staging of such events as the C-crisis. And when we unravel the C-agenda, it will become immediately apparent that this is not an isolated event but the continuation of a succession of less obvious but no less effective and dramatic manipulations. We must begin to peel away layer after layer of this deception for as long as it takes for us to get back to the time of the last major reset I talked about above. Converging realities. And when we finally arrive at this point, we can go from there and look at the reality as it once was prior to the destruction of the world during the end of the 19th century. From today’s perspective, that world would look to us like the Land of Milk and Honey or the Garden of Eden, although it in itself had only been a shadow of what had existed prior to it.

All this effort is meant to wake up to the character of the reality we live in. It is not meant for us to try to go backwards and to resurrect what has once been. Our way will be forward to something that will exceed anything that has ever been or taken place on earth in regards to joy, beauty, and jubilation, and it will invoke an ecstasy of existence. There can be no more sidetracking and no more hesitation, because the forces that have gotten us to where we are now have done this according to their master plan. And we do not want to live to see them fulfilling their destructive plan with us, because every evil thing that previously took place will seem gentle in comparison.

As long as we keep adapting to the next state of degradation being imposed on us, we will move ever further away from any remaining capability to do something about this. Let’s get out of this game and step off this doomed train. Let’s join together and become the creator beings that we are, so that we become able again to open the door back home for everyone on all levels of consciousness.

First though we need to leave the mental prison we have been locked in. This mental prison prevents us from realizing what has been done to us, and it has led to our acceptance of the state of being we are currently in.

For more information on these topics as well as my ideas for forming a group of like-minded people, please refer to my book Awakening and my other blog articles. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


  1. I definitely have had a strong knowing that the Earth used to have a balanced climate all the time and that we did not have seasons. This feels very real and true to me.
    How and when did the Earth’s axis get tilted? is one question I have…

    1. Thank you for your comment Sally!
      Regarding the tilt of the Earth’s axis I have encountered an explanation for this in Barbara Hand Clow’s book ‘Awakening the Planetary Mind’. Barbara refers to scientific research she came across regarding the effects of a supernova that became felt in our solar system about 12,000 years ago. First huge amounts of dust from this supernova passed through our solar system and significantly affected the Earth’s atmosphere and climate, as well as the radiation of the sun. A while later a large celestial body flew through our solar system and exerted numerous effects upon multiple planets and their moons. It is being assumed that this celestial body shattered a planet that existed between Mars and Jupiter, and the resulting debris nowadays forms the asteroid belt.
      When this celestial body passed by Earth, its gravitational force pulled the Earth’s axis from its vertical axis into the tilted axis that nowadays causes the seasons.

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