Without a thorough determination of where we are and how our understanding (or rather our assumptions) about our world came to be, we will be unable to chart a course out of the predicament we find ourselves in.
In this article I will use the book The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau to lead us to a better understanding of the ways in which earthbound humanity has been mentally manipulated to prevent us from gaining access to knowledge about the true state of our existence.
The City of Ember is set in a time when a worldwide disaster is about to happen that most likely will eradicate all of humanity. A group of people called ‘the Builders’ embark on an endeavor to preserve at least a small number of humans in an underground city named Ember. 100 elderly people and 100 babies are being selected to live in this city. The elderly people still have knowledge of the world outside and what was happening to it. They are responsible of raising the 100 children to whom they will not pass on any knowledge about their origin. Thus, the memory about the world outside dies with the 100 elderly people, and from then on everybody believes that the city they live in is the only place there is. Every mayor of the city is supposed to guard a metal box containing detailed instructions of how to leave Ember when the time is right. The box has a timed lock that is programmed to unlock after 200 years, at which time the Builders assumed it would be safe to leave the underground city. The city’s supplies had been calculated to last for those 200 years. Each mayor was supposed to pass the metal box to his successor. However, somewhere along the line a mayor who gets severely ill takes the box home with him and attempts to open it, which fails. He dies before being able to pass the box on to the next mayor. Therefore, when the box finally opens at the allotted time, nobody notices it.
The main story of the book starts at about 241 years after the establishment of the city of Ember when supplies and provisions dwindle and technology begins to fail.
An essential prerequisite the Builders of Ember considered was that the first generation of residents (after the 100 elderly people had died) would have absolutely no knowledge about their origin and would not be able to pass on any such knowledge to following generations. So, they were safely being locked in a world that only encompassed the area of Ember and contained only the manipulated knowledge that had been taught to them by the elders. The citizens of Ember thus had no way to find out anything about their heritage or origin, and the only way out could solely be found by gaining access to the instructions inside the metal box.
In this story, the intention for limiting the knowledge of the residents of Ember about their immediate surroundings had been genuine. It was necessary to prevent them from leaving their refuge during times when the whole purpose of the creation of Ember would be thwarted if the residents would end up being endangered or killed by the events that were taking place on earth’s surface and which had already eradicated all of humanity. The citizens of Ember needed to stay oblivious to all of this until the 200 years had passed. At this point, their failing resources would have begun to endanger their survival within their underground home and they needed to be enlightened about their next steps, which meant to step out under an open sky and to step on earth’s surface where they would see for the first time nature and natural light. If you compare an existence in a confined underground city with only electrical light to suddenly being under an open sky in sunlight and surrounded by wild nature with flowers, trees, birds, butterflies, rivers, mountains, and so on, you could call such a moment an awakening, an enlightenment, or an ascension. From one moment to another their form of existence would change fundamentally, and they would find themselves in a state of being and an outside world they weren’t able to imagine in their wildest dreams and which they could not have envisioned before.
An important step in the formation of the Ember civilization had been to cut off any knowledge of the outside world and the quick disposal of the 100 elderly citizens so that no further transfer of knowledge could take place and jeopardise the purpose of Ember.
Do you know that you exist in a gigantically magnified version of Ember?
Should you have studied some of my other articles or read my book ‘Awakening’, you are most probably aware of my understanding of the reality we find ourselves in on this earth. In case you are not familiar with any of my prior writings and blog posts, I would like to encourage you to familiarize yourself with these before continuing to read on.
If, for a moment, we recall the main characteristics of the nature of the 6th and 7th waves of creation according to Carl Calleman, we can recap that they were meant to allow for a certain amount of disconnection from our Divine Source, i.e., the part of Divine Source that had entered our current universe. In order to gain experiences of separation and individualization, an energetic realm had to be created that enabled a certain disconnection from humanity’s knowledge of and access to its Source. This could be called an ingenious intention by Divine Source, comparable to the intention of the Builders of Ember in the above-described story.
Even our Divine Source and we ourselves could not predict, however, what would happen and come into being when the 6th and 7th wave of creation would begin to dominate the reality of our universe. If this could have been anticipated, there would have been not much purpose in creating our universe in the first place as it would not have provided any potential for a further development of Divine consciousness.
So, it came to be that around the time of the beginning of the 6th wave of creation about 5,000 years ago, a form of being arose (let us call them grey aliens, but you could also call them Anunnaki if you like) that didn’t exist originally when our universe came first into existence. However, since this form of being was a product of our universe, too, it was also bound to our universe’s destination as preordained by the effects of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Those effects would eventually lead the physical form of existence of our universe into a complete dissolution, and by that the elemental basis of existence of these beings would also be dissolved. They were however lacking the Divine spark that exists in every ensouled incarnated human. Ensouled human beings were going to be called back home through the effects of the 8th and 9th waves of creation. The 8th wave of creation was meant to reactivate humanity’s supernatural capabilities and to reopen the channels through which their Divine Source could guide them. By the beginning of the 9th wave humanity was meant to be able to re-enter into a direct connection with their Divine Source and to transcend our earthly world into a higher dimensional state of existence. During the time of the vibrational energetic dominance of the 6th and even more so of the 7th wave of creation, humanity was vulnerable to outside interference by the above-mentioned grey aliens. However, if our Divine Source would have directly interfered at this point, this would have led to a similarly dramatic effect as it would have if someone in the story of Ember had become able to gain access to the information in the metal box before the 200 years were over. The whole purpose of Ember would have been thwarted. An interference of Source with the happenings during the 6th and 7th wave would have compromised the whole purpose of the creation of our universe.
Our current perception and understanding of who we are, where we are, how we got here, and where we are going could have been artificially imposed due to the interference of the grey aliens, particularly as the consequence of multiple earth-wide devolutionary resets. Each reset led to a near complete eradication of the human civilization existing on earth at the time of the respective reset. Meanwhile, the grey aliens had become the earth-controlling beings which they are to this day (we could call them a malicious version of the Builders of Ember). They command a superior form of intellectual understanding which we would be calling intelligence.
As a sidenote here, what we call intelligence is one of the main obstacles on our path to awakening. It is a product of a time when our current educational systems had been established in order to be able to limit any understanding of the ‘reality’ of the world created by the earth-controlling forces. The educational system rewards and entitles those that have successfully studied and internalized the artificially created form of existence we currently find ourselves in. This would compare to what the people in the city of Ember did with their children. Those that related wholeheartedly to the limits their world imposed on them were the ones that fared best, as they were incapable of hearing their intuition calling out to them with memories of t
he sunlit vivid world outside. The educational system ensures that those who have the least inkling of our beingness beyond this limited prison world will become the revered and honored academics that we are supposed to regard as our superior authorities in regards to any aspect of our lives and the world we live in. Those that still hear the subtle calling of our soul family from outside our current realm of existence will be considered inferior, at least in regards to status, employability, and potential income. And they will be subdued by esoteric or spiritual ‘superstars’ who spread teachings that are meant to pacify their audience, to ensure their ongoing surrendering to the enfolding plans of the earth-controlling beings.
Intelligence is a term to describe the most advanced effect the 6th wave of creation had on humans. The 6th wave predominantly created a male-dominated duality where solely male intellectual capabilities were being supported by the creationary energies of this wave. The grey aliens came into existence as a pure form of intellectuality. Their intelligence enabled them to develop an understanding of the nature and future development of our universe. They discovered that eventually new vibrational energies would become dominant which would enable humanity to raise the vibration of our whole universe accordingly. From that point on, a solely intellectual form of existence would no longer be possible. The grey aliens concluded that in order for them to continue their form of existence, they would need to gain access to the unique ingredients that bound humanity to Divine Source and would eventually ensure humanity’s awakening and re-connection with Source.
At that point the grey aliens developed a plan to interfere with humanity in a way that would enable them to mentally lock away all of humanity in a form of consciousness equal to the one of the citizens of Ember. Only this time the intent is a rather malicious one. And of course it has been undertaken on a much grander scale as it even encompassed each human being’s state of existence in-between incarnations.
By the time our own ‘metal box’ opened, i.e., when the 8th wave of creation began, humanity had been rendered incapable to interpret and understand its message. The urge arising deep within our souls to move toward unity consciousness was being satisfied through the introduction of digital tools, for example, cell phones. And through all these digital tools we constantly had to absorb the programming and messages of the grey aliens, related to us through their chosen human governors.
Due to the combined amount of manipulation humanity has been exposed to during the past 5,000 years, we have been safely locked into a mental and emotional darkness. As we are still mostly disconnected from half of our wholeness (what we call the female side), we lack any form of understanding of who we truly are. All the necessary qualities needed for our re-connection to the Divine lie dormant. This applies to women and men equally, believe it or not. And this cannot be solved by the introduction of multiple new gender forms, as this endeavor is only a new form of distraction. All of us need to become whole again through re-uniting our male and female aspects. When we become whole, duality and its effects will cease to exist. Any such urge or longing arising in humans so far has been re-directed and neutralized by our earthly controllers, leading to our current ever more dysfunctional state of being.
What we need to do is to find ways to tune ourselves into the final accords of the song of creation, the final two creational waves, to revive the necessary parts of our beingness that we will need to wake up from our long slumber. We need to enhance our capacity of perception by activating our supernatural sensitivity to re-gain our understanding of who we are, where we came from, and where we are meant to go.
We must awaken.
Currently our societies are being guided solely by the principles imposed upon humanity during the past 5,000 years. As such our understanding of ourselves is of a limited and manipulated nature. In order to embark on our path home, we need to free us from all this manipulation – which means to free us from everything that we have been force-fed through our education, our parents, our teachers, and any form of media. We need to empty ourselves of any intellectual concepts. In the ensuing stillness, slowly but surely, we will begin to hear again the song of creation. And we will hear our Divine family calling out for us and will then become able to tune in to their guiding love.
Together we need to create an environment that will allow for us to safely and completely disconnect ourselves from our current form of life. This entails a disconnect from any form of external media, from work, and from our current social lives. In order to achieve this, we have to make sure all prerequisites for such an endeavor are being met, which also means that we have to ensure the availability of the required financial resources.
Everything we have been doing so far in our lives has been to prepare us for our main purpose: to join together and lead one another into our awakening. Isn’t that what you have chosen for your life, too?