Buddha, Jesus, Rudolf Steiner, and "The Secret"

Buddha, Jesus, Rudolf Steiner, and “The Secret”

Back in the late 90s, I read from time to time some of the works of Rudolf Steiner. Most of the time it was a slow going as I didn’t find it easy to wrap my mind around the contents he shared.

Sometimes one of his statements or thoughts was very clear and it stuck with me. One occurrence he was reporting about never left my mind, as I found it to be of great importance. It can help us with our understanding of how the world we live in works, and what we need to do to free us from its clutches.

Here is what I recall from the event Rudolf Steiner was talking about.

Rudolf Steiner often accessed the Akashic Field with his mind and received many of his insights and inspirations there. One day on one of his mental journeys there he witnessed an encounter between Jesus and Buddha. In this encounter, Buddha was telling Jesus that back then he, Buddha, did not really achieve enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. Buddha explained to Jesus what he had meanwhile realized: True Enlightenment would have meant that he would not have been dependent in any way on other human beings to support him with food and other necessities while he was experiencing his presumed enlightened state under the Bodhi Tree. Buddha realized that the people who continuously supported him had themselves to stay in an unenlightened state so that they could provide for him. Only by staying in their mundane state of being and their mundane work could they acquire what the Buddha needed to be physically supported.

So, Buddha wanted to make it clear to Jesus that a truly enlightened state of being would enable one to provide fully for oneself, without any dependence on anybody else for anything at all.

What does this have to do with Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret?

To better understand this topic, we need to focus on the realms from which we manifest our necessities. There are two different realms that we can access and use their energies to draw to us the things that we need in our present life.

Buddha realized that he had been accessing the energies of the closed earthly realm for his enlightenment, meaning that he had to be supplied with whatever he needed from this earthly realm through unenlightened, well-meaning people who supported him. Even though he needed very little, someone still had to work for this in order to provide him with it. This is the issue Buddha was referring to during his encounter with Jesus as retold above. With true Enlightenment, he would not have accessed the energies of the earthly realm to manifest what he needed.

Now what is this realm you would access if you were truly and fully enlightened or awakened?

It is the realm of what I call Source, the All, our origin. It is the realm which we need to get into resonance with and which we need to reconnect to. This is what we must achieve to free ourselves and all earthly inhabitants from the shackles that draw us ever more away from our ability to return home to where we came from. This is what we must achieve for our awakening, for our ascension. 

In previous blog articles and in my book Awakening, I have described how the world we find ourselves in these days has come to be, who is orchestrating this, and for what purpose. The goal of the entities running our reality is to create the prerequisites which will enable them to finally separate the Divine spark of Light within us from our beings, and to transfer it to themselves. This is why, for example, the C-narrative has been unleashed upon us together with so many other inhumane things. It has been a long time coming, but now we are living in this world of complete disconnection from our Source, our complete dependence on ‘systems’ that seemingly provide for us but set the rules in which we must operate.

The beings that currently run our world are not the governments, or other institutions like the World Bank, the UNO, the EU, the WHO, or others. These are only the fronts that enact the plans and deeds for those running our world. The most important thing for these entities is that our realm of being stays disconnected from Source.

Well, you will probably say, now he lost me. How can our world be without a connection to Source? That seems impossible.

And I agree. Our world has been built and keeps on running through Source energy. But it is trapped Source energy which earthbound humanity carries collectively within themselves. We are no longer aware of this energy or capable of using it for ourselves and our own well-being. And this is the whole issue here, the issue that requires our immediate awakening. Because all our inherent creative Source energy is being remote-controlled and has been used to create the prison world, we nowadays find ourselves in. 

So, let us now return to my question posed above. What does all this have to do with The Secret?

The controllers of our realm of being have to make sure that everyone here, no matter what they do and in whatever way, can only access the creative energies trapped in this realm. Human beings cannot and must not consciously connect to Source in an awakened state, as this is the controller’s greatest fear. Thus, ‘The Secret’ and similar thought models only lead us to ways to manipulate the earthly systems to our advantage.

The difference between someone achieving the fulfillment of their needs through the wealth they acquired by worldly success (running a company, being a sports star or movie star, having invested wisely, etc.) and someone using The Secret or a similar mental system, lies only in the way they access the limited earthbound creative energy to fulfill whatever need they wish to fulfill. This always requires the work, time, and money of other people; people who will not and cannot achieve the same fulfillment and wealth, because if they did, the system would collapse. Nobody out of this system would then continue to be available for underpaid and unwanted mundane tasks that nevertheless are required to maintain this world, like keeping sewage lines operational, removing and handling garbage, working to provide food and clothing and sanitary items, building and maintaining houses, roads, bridges, aircrafts, and vehicles, doing repair works of any kind, and everything else you can think of. The reason why we are so eager to apply ‘The Secret’ (or any similar technique) is that we would like to take a shortcut to achieve our worldly goals without having to subject ourselves to the dire circumstances the majority of humanity has to live under.

People running corporations or working for high incomes in management or finances, justify their high incomes with having simply put more effort in their education, or being graced with more intelligence or having worked harder than others, and so on. Of course, this system would not work if everyone else were to put in a similar effort and would also run a corporation, for example. Nobody would be available to work for them because everybody would be a manager or a company owner. And then, who can say that the majority of people doesn’t work as hard as the ones making millions in a year or even in a month? The bigger the amount of money someone receives, the more it reflects for the most part how well they help the earthly controllers to enact their plans. And that is why 40 hours of work a week can earn you $200 if you belong to the majority of people, or $200,000 if you are a good enforcer of the controller’s wishes.

The ones having applied successfully the techniques promoted by The Secret will justify their success with claiming that they have properly mastered the respective technique. Their other fellow humans who tried but didn’t succeed have surely failed through their own fault, because they didn’t manage to apply the teachings properly. In their opinion, everybody could achieve success but they are simply not doing it right. Here, of course, we have the same problem as mentioned above: who would supply us with anything necessary for our daily routines should everyone master those teachings? It simply cannot work as long as we need someone to provide for us – which was exactly what the Buddha realized and told Jesus.

By now we can see that, no matter which way we approach it, we are acting within a system that will always keep us trapped. It will force us into a physical death at some point, with more or less extended suffering before our lives are ending, and then it will force us back into our next lifetime (please refer to my book ‘Awakening’ for more details on this), where we have to go through it all again from scratch. David Icke has written a whole book about this system called The Trap.

What I propose is that we join and rebuild our direct connection to Source and make this connection available for everyone on earth. While this may sound almost ridiculous, it will still be the only way to prevent the success of the earthly controllers’ dark plans. It doesn’t matter if it sounds difficult or improbable. The controllers want us to think that this is unachievable, because how else can they prevent us from even trying?

How are we going to accomplish such a feat? In my book and in previous blog posts, I have been referring to the meditation techniques as taught by Dr. Joe Dispenza. I have a firm conviction that these techniques indeed provide the opportunity for us to gain access to creative energies beyond our current realm of being. That is the intention of these techniques and they just need to be used in the right mindset. (For further thoughts on this please refer to my previous blog post titled “What should we do?”) This is why I constantly try to make people aware of the reality we currently exist in. We cannot get anywhere if we do not face this reality with every awareness and realization that we are capable of. This is what I have endeavored to assist you with in my book Awakening. Once we have jointly established such a realization, we can then move on together.

In closing, I would like to mention that I have struggled mightily to put my thoughts into words that are proficient enough to relate my understanding. This is made very difficult by the fact that through numerous devolutionary resets, orchestrated by the earth-controlling powers over the past centuries and decades, our available vocabulary and our capability to express and understand context have been purposefully limited and misdirected. Nevertheless, I am convinced that your Higher Self will get what I am getting at. And from deep within and in moments of stillness, you will be able to verify and understand what the essence of my writing is.

Once you have reached this understanding within yourself, I would appreciate joining forces with you on our path to awakening.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon.

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