Understanding Who You Are

Understanding Who You Are

To awaken, we must build a bridge from our current understanding of who we are to an awareness that allows us to remember and review all previous stages of our existence. The challenge is that such an endeavor leads us to an impasse—a chasm. There exists a gap between what humanity appears to “know” about our origins and the structure of the universe we inhabit, and the true, firsthand knowledge and memory of where we were before arriving in this lifetime.

Why is there a chasm?

Without such a divide, the world we wake up to every morning would not be possible. It is fundamental to our reality that we lack the ability to perceive the greater truths behind and beyond it.

Today, anything beyond the physical surface of “reality” is dismissed as speculation. Many of us long to understand what lies beyond what our five senses can perceive. Numerous esoteric, spiritual, or metaphysically gifted teachers claim to have ventured beyond this veil—this chasm that separates us from our origins—and they often share their insights, either freely or commercially.

Yet, just as we are conditioned to accept what conventional media presents as truth, we are left with the same predicament regarding these so-called spiritual teachers. We have no means of validating their claims. This is our greatest limitation. At best, we can pay for access to their interpretations, but they often contradict one another. Without any ability to verify, we are left choosing whom to believe and whom to dismiss—and disillusionment follows when our chosen guide’s “truths” are challenged.

Despite the wisdom and sophistication of many seekers and teachers, no one has changed the course of the world over the past centuries. They come and go, as do we. We possess no personal memory of our origins, no clear understanding of how we arrived here, and no concrete knowledge of where we are going. At best, we can attain a sense of inner peace by surrendering to the world as it is and making the most of our circumstances.

I, however, refuse to surrender. Instead, I see this as the starting point of my path to awakening—and I invite you to embark on this journey as well.

To do so, we must discard preconceived notions. We must question nearly everything we have been taught. We must open our minds to a reality that transcends the constraints of conventional understanding, even if society would label such thinking as insanity. In truth, our blind acceptance of the world as it is, our belief that it is benign and natural, is the real insanity. That the masses accept it does not make it any less so; it only makes it more deeply entrenched.

Two Models of the Afterlife

Many still believe they have only one lifetime and will await redemption on Judgment Day. They assume their existence began by chance, the result of their parents’ decision to conceive, and that they bear the burden of some ancestral transgression dating back to Adam and Eve. They believe that after death, their consciousness lingers in an unknown state, awaiting final judgment.

Another prevailing belief is the idea of the Karma Wheel—that we are locked in a cycle of reincarnation, working toward personal redemption with each new life. However, under this model, we enter each new incarnation with no memory of past lives, making it impossible to correct previous mistakes with certainty. At best, we can guess at our past misdeeds and attempt to remedy them. Esoteric teachers promoting this model often portray humanity as a young, immature civilization with countless lessons still to learn, requiring innumerable future lifetimes.

Both models share a fundamental flaw: they demand blind faith. Neither can be verified. In both cases, we are left with no choice but to surrender to our limited perception and make the best of our current lives.

I do not believe either model fully explains reality. Nor do I subscribe to the notion that we simply did not exist before birth and will cease to exist upon death. Instead, I suspect that after physical death, we enter a realm created and controlled by non-human entities. These entities subject us to a deeply unsettling life review, ultimately concluding that another incarnation is inevitable.

The Trap of Daily Life

These concepts remain abstract because we have no way to act upon them in our daily lives. We are consumed by the struggle to provide for ourselves—food, shelter, clothing, transportation—leaving little time for existential contemplation. As a result, we defer such questions to the afterlife, assuming answers will come then.

Yet, the rules governing our world are constantly shifting. We are compelled to adapt to new demands, such as maintaining digital communications simply to function in modern society. These changes were never presented as choices to our ancestors or ourselves; they were imposed under the guise of progress. But how can we discern whether this development serves us when we lack any understanding of who we truly are?

This reality has been designed as a perfect trap. As long as our survival depends on providing for our basic needs, and as long as this struggle consumes most of our time, we will remain unable to fully pursue the deeper questions:

  • Who am I?
  • Where did I come from?
  • Who controls this world from behind the scenes?
  • What is their purpose?

Without answers, further steps seem meaningless. Why bring more children into a world we do not understand? Why entrust decision-making power to representatives who claim to act in our interest? Consider the spectacle of the last U.S. federal election, designed to convince people that they have a say, that the system serves them. The true purpose was simply to ensure mass participation in voluntarily surrendering personal agency to the state.

We may not know exactly who controls this world or what their endgame is, but it makes little sense to continue living under these constraints without investigating whose tune we are dancing to.

What Must We Accomplish?

We must awaken our perceptual capacities to gain firsthand knowledge of what happened before we entered this incarnation. We must expand our sensory awareness to discern who governs this world and how. We must uncover the forces behind pivotal global events and expose the mechanisms of control. We must learn to access the akashic records ourselves, rather than relying on secondhand accounts.

We must challenge those who speculate without proof. We must move beyond abstract discussions and demand tangible answers. If someone claims to channel higher knowledge, they should be able to answer concrete questions:

  • Who ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center?
  • Who orchestrated the assassination of John F. Kennedy?
  • Who initiated the C-narrative?
  • What truly happened during the moon missions?
  • What is the actual purpose of digitalization and transhumanism?
  • Why is there a concerted effort to degrade human potential through chemicals, electromagnetic frequencies, processed food, noise pollution, and more?

Self-improvement techniques are insufficient. We must become supernatural beings capable of uncovering and spreading these truths to all of humanity.

I recognize that our world has been meticulously designed to prevent such revelations. Systems have been put in place to discredit anyone who attempts them. The path forward requires stepping into uncharted territory. At present, we are either fully immersed in the constructed reality of the material world or grasping at a metaphysical realm beyond our perception. Both perspectives leave us powerless to alter our fundamental existence.

The middle ground—which few dare to explore—is a conscious transformation of perception into a supernatural state, allowing us to pierce the illusion that has imprisoned us. This is the crucial step before the world spirals further out of control.

How can life be meaningful if our understanding of ourselves is dictated to us? Such a life is hollow.

The human body is an intricate, mystical creation. The process by which a spirit-soul enters the physical realm is nothing short of miraculous. I cannot accept that such divine beings are meant to spend their existence staring at screens, immersed in a digital construct. I cannot accept that our highest purpose is to work, merely functioning as cogs in a vast machine, dependent on unseen rulers and their shifting agendas.

Contemplating these ideas may be unsettling, but surrendering without resistance to unseen forces is far worse. We must face reality as it is, find the resolve to embark on the path of awakening, and dedicate ourselves to this process wholeheartedly.

The time is now. In this lifetime.

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