The deed is done

The Deed is Done

One of the most important steps on our way to waking up and achieving our awakening will be to bridge the gap between the world that we know and the world that lies beyond the veil that has been cast between us and our origin.

As long as we only talk about the multiple aspects of the 3-dimensional world that we experience throughout our earthly embodied life, most people are able and willing to follow any discussion and elaboration based on the fundamentals that make up the reality we perceive. This, however, is the form of reality we have been locked into and where we are stuck with senses that have been rendered incapable of perceiving anything beyond this reality.

Everything beyond belongs at best to the realm of speculation.

This is why we have trouble to distinguish the information we get about this realm regarding its veracity. This also enables those beings that have locked us into this form of existence to deceive and confuse us constantly in regards to our attempts to learn about our true identity and the true source of our existence. An almost impenetrable smoke screen has been put into place that either repels us when we attempt to glance beyond it or that misleads us to a supposed understanding that locks us into our earthly prison just as the so called ‚real world‘ does.

An unfathomable effort has been undertaken by the earth-controlling beings to ensure that all roads we embark upon as humanity or as an individual will lead us only to places within the realm we have been locked into – and never out of it.

In order to manage and manipulate humanity almost unnoticed, structures have been put into place through which all aspects of life are being organized and controlled. These structures encompass, for example, governments, agencies of all kinds, educational systems (collective brainwashing institutions) from kindergarten to university, medical and healthcare systems, religious systems, financial and monetary systems, and so on. ALL these systems are aspects of how we are being managed as prisoners in this earthly realm.

Our effort to awaken is an effort we must actively undertake by ourselves.

No one from outside this system can reach us and assist us as long as we stay on the low vibrational frequency level we are presently on. No respective capability has so far been activated within ourselves that would allow us to get directly in touch with our Divine family. The path of awakening you and I are going to engage in will therefore in the first place reactivate our supernatural senses and enable us to perceive the reality beyond the artificial smoke screen. This will make our connection with higher dimensional beings possible.

All these aspects we have discussed so far bear no relation to the world around us that we have been taught about in school and that we have collectively accepted as the only form of reality there is.

In order to leave this limited world behind, you have to leave the consensual reality you have built your earthly life upon. This is the only reason and purpose you came here for, but you forgot about it. I am now reminding you of this.

Which deed has been done?

There have always been crucial interventions by the earthly controllers into the ways of this world. They needed these interventions to lead the collective human consciousness into certain directions and to make sure that no environment which would be supportive to awakening would arise.

As you may have read about in some of my other blog articles referring to the studies of Carl Johan Calleman, in 1999 a new wave of cosmic energy became activated. This wave of energy was aiming at the re-awakening of our supernatural perceptions by supporting those aspects in our being that would enable us to use telepathy, teleportation, the moving of objects by mental effort, nourishment through prana, being capable of reading the thoughts of others behind their spoken words, looking beyond the veil separating us incarnated beings from the ones in between incarnations (after death), and so on. While I cannot prove the existence of this cosmic wave in a practical way, I can point out what has been done to prevent the energies of this wave from initiating our awakening.

The cosmic wave (the 8th universal wave of creation) began in early January of 1999. In 2000 an important presidential election in the US came up. This election would determine who would be president of the US during the first years of the new cosmic wave. While both candidates running for office in the US had been carefully selected and placed in this position by the earthly controllers, the 2000 election was so important that obviously some doubts arose about Al Gore. He somehow seemed no longer to be the ideal candidate to preside over the necessary events that would securely lock away humanity’s consciousness. These events (which were planned to happen some months after the election) encompassed the staged demolition of the WTC and all the wars that followed under false pretense against terrorism. This would allow for a changed legislation that would infringe with the integrity and liberty of humans in such a way that they would not be able to tune in to the new cosmic energies.

Since Al Gore fared better in the 2000 election than expected, and since not enough corrective measures to manipulate the election could be put into place, a big problem arose for the earthly controllers. Thus, the count in Florida had to be stopped at all costs because otherwise Al Gore would have been victorious. And so it became possible that a country, which usually condemns every other country for not holding free and democratic elections, would interfere with the result of their own election by simply stopping to count all votes ‘because it took too long’. Unbelievable. Al Gore knew fairly well that he had been cheated out of his victory, but he conceded nevertheless because he had been made to do so by the ones that control all governments on earth. He was promised other rewards instead, like receiving the Nobel Peace Price, an Oscar win, and a lot of fame and honor. And then George W. Bush Jr presided over the traumatization of humanity that occurred in September 2001 and onwards. 

Same procedure, different year

Currently another great step towards the goal of the earth-controlling beings has been successfully completed. And yet again someone had to be prevented from being US president during these crucial past 4 years which were dominated by the C-narrative, by the infiltration of key western countries through masses of young male migrants, by the instigation of wokeism, by leading crucial wars and upheaval in Ukraine, Palestine, and Syria, by installing the climate agenda and the corresponding climate narrative, and so on. Obviously, the earth-controlling powers did not want Donald Trump to preside over these events and the enactment of the mentioned narratives, so they needed someone else, i.e., Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And as it became clear that Donald Trump was going to receive too many votes, they again had to interfere with the counting of votes very openly. In the end they used so many ways in tampering with the election that it became difficult to hide their doing. Still, they managed to get away with it, thus making Joe Biden the most popular president of all times in regards to the number of votes, surpassing Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and even Donald Trump by millions of popular votes. All this despite the fact that Joe Biden didn’t really do much in regards to campaigning back then.

And yet again, the real winner of the election was made to concede his victory to somebody else. This time, his reward for doing so was the promise of a second term for the time after the deed had been done.

The damages inflicted upon the US economy, the influx of millions of unregistered foreigners throughout the past 4 years, and the damages done by the Corona narrative are irrevocable as there is no way to undo what has been done. And many precedents have been set for atrocities which were accepted by the population. Not only have the authorities committed crimes against humanity, but also parents that made their children wear masks and subjected them to PCR tests or even had their kids injected with mRNA pharmaceuticals find themselves guilty of child abuse. As the majority of the population has participated in these atrocities, there are hardly enough innocent people left to bring all perpetrators to justice. All these things have also happened in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Germany and to certain degrees in all countries of the world. The past 4 years have been a collective traumatization of humanity and a preparation for the next steps, for which especially the digitalization has been pushed forward. To make sure that all these manipulations would run most smoothly, the earth-controlling powers needed to make sure that Joe Biden would be presiding over these events in the years 2020 – 2024. Interestingly enough the political leadership in Canada and Germany is being replaced almost simultaneously with the one in the US.

Now that everything has been successfully accomplished, Donald Trump has been rewarded with the victory he had already achieved 4 years ago.

And while I presume that the US are most important for the earth-controlling powers in all these schemes, there is one country that seems to be even more important. During the past 20 years and especially during the past 4 years, the German government has been systematically destroying the German economy and industries. What some of the victorious allies after the 2nd world war have wanted to accomplish has now successfully been done by the German government: the de-industrialization of Germany. And sadly enough, most Germans bear with this without any resistance.

In Germany, a political party had been created to give the illusion that there would still be a chance to remedy what had been done during the past years. This party was very successful during three state elections in 2024, but has nevertheless been successfully excluded from any participation in government so far. While on the outside it appeared like this party would be able to undo the done damage, it was also important that this party would not be awarded any participation in government, because they could only form a coalition and then it would become obvious that they would have to work together with the perpetrators of all the atrocities of the past decades. By that it would become obvious too that the promises of said party were only an illusion.

You may find it difficult to embark on a mental path out of the staged world we all have been locked in, but you might be able to realize how there are hidden powers centrally controlling our fate on earth, and how they place selected people in power as to be able to direct worldly affairs according to their intentions.

The deed is done, at least for as long as we continue to participate in worldly things and affairs like we have been doing until now. Instead, we must become the crew of the Starship Enterprise and embark on a journey into a realm unknown to humanity to find the Holy Grail of Awakening. Without someone undertaking such an endeavor and the will to try, ‘we might as well lay down and die’, as the pop group ABBA sings in their song ‘Happy New Year’.

Would you like to participate in undoing the done deed, the deeds done during the past decades and centuries, to free yourself and your loved ones from the clutches of alien beings controlling the earth? Would you like to stand up like Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart and shout ‘Freedom’? Yes? I thought so.

Let us join forces to embark on the journey of Awakening.

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