Considering how many people write and talk about the state of being ‘awakened’, one would tend to assume that there must indeed be awakened human beings amongst us.
Well, I am convinced that during at least the past 150 to 180 years no human being has been walking the earth who has come even remotely close to any form or state of awakening or enlightenment.
Some of the main obstacles to obtaining such a state of mind have been the vibrational energies and frequencies dominating our universe until 2011. I have been talking a lot about the character of these energies in several previous blog articles, and I also have dedicated a whole chapter in my book to this issue, i.e., the nature of the 9 creational waves that shaped the fabric of the universe we have been existing in during the past 16.4 billion years. The most diverse and dynamic changes in the energetic frequencies that have shaped our world began to take effect during the past 300 years, when the Divine Light (which illuminates the two parts of our brain) went off with the onset of the 7th creational wave about 270 years ago. This wave established its dominance over the expression of our consciousness much more quickly than the previously dominating 6th wave, which lasted over 5,000 years and had established a male-dominated form of duality by the time the 7th wave began. The 7th wave literally cut our ability to connect to our Divine Source temporarily off. In my understanding, it would not be helpful to try with our limited mind to understand why exactly this ‘cutting off’ from Source had been necessary, but it probably was meant to provide the All-One with a unique and new experience of Its own existence.
Most of us have incarnated during the height of dominance of the 7th wave, which lasted until the year 1999. In 1999 the Light went on again, favoring now the female side of our being and basking our supernatural capabilities in Divine Light. This Light was meant to revive and develop our perception and receptors for signals, communications, vibrations, and energies reaching us from the Source we all originate from. If you will, you could say that our ability to communicate directly with God was meant to be turned on again from 1999 on. Again, I would like to refer you to my previous blog posts and to my book ‘Awakening’ for a better understanding of what I am going to talk about here.
As I have illustrated previously, during the 5,000 years of the 6th wave of creation our realm of being has been hijacked by alien beings that took advantage of the newly emerged duality and interfered with not only our consciousness but also with our bodily vessel in such a way that we would eventually be held hostage in this vessel, incapable of tuning back into the song of creation when it would be calling us back home. By the time the 8th wave of creation began in 1999, their efforts had been for the most part successfully completed. During the first decade of the new century, we did not witness a rise of abilities like telepathy, clairvoyancy, vivid dreams, teleportation, and so on. What we were showered with though was a digital revolution, provided to us courtesy of our alien controllers that had been preparing for this time for millennia. So, we didn’t revive the supernatural side of our being but we began the arduous process of voluntarily downloading ourselves into computerized digital systems.
In 2011, the final and 9th wave of creation began to sing its song but nobody heard it, nobody got into resonance with it, and when all of creation reached its completion by the end of October 2011, we became severely detached from the frequency range that would have allowed for our return back home, or rather, as I understand it, for bringing universal unity consciousness to earth and to our universe.
And this is why there is no enlightened or awakened being in incarnated form amongst us. The alien controllers knew that some of us at least would begin to sense that something is amiss and that some of us would search for an understanding of what is happening. In preparation for this, many religious, esoteric, and metaphysical teachers, preachers, bloggers, and channelers popped up and began to appease any form of unease arising. They did this mainly by telling us to love the circumstances we find ourselves in, or to use some supposedly metaphysical tools to enrich us. The problem with the use of metaphysical tools for one’s worldly enrichment is that such spiritual folks all continue to depend on the rest of society to fail in this endeavor, so that they can continue to be provided with all their daily needs by the rest of society. And they tend to explain it to themselves by presuming that the ‘unenlightened state’ of others is due to these people’s own failure, thus easing their conscience with this thought.
Signs to recognize an awakened being
The very first sign to recognize an enlightened or awakened being would be that they would not need anyone else to provide for them and they would not need to be paid for any service or assistance they provided anyone with. I assume it has been the same with Jesus. I cannot imagine Him asking for any form of payment for His services.
Take any one of your favourite spiritual or esoteric guides and place them during winter time in northern Canada, for example. They will immediately need sufficient shelter, food, water, heating, and so on. And in order to continue to pay for all this, they would need someone to set them up with a computer, an internet connection, electricity, and all the other equipment they need to produce their communication with and to you, which in the end generates their income. Without all of that, they would simply disappear and you would no longer be able to be pacified by their communications. An awakened or enlightened being cannot be locked or held away anymore. Jesus came here during a time when duality dominated, a time and energy that did not support any form of Enlightenment. He left the keys for us though that we would need eventually (from 1999 onwards) to unlock our ability to tune back into the Divine creational song. And this is why we continue to see Jesus nailed to a cross. This is what has been and continues to be done to humanity with the heritage He left for us back in His time. ‘What I can do, and more, you can do.’
So, we can be confident in saying that nobody has achieved any form of enlightenment or awakening at this time. And it seems that nobody is really endeavoring to achieve such a state of being in earnest. Which shows us how well crafted and successfully enacted the plans of the alien controllers have been. The most we do is musing about what awakening means, and we are being drowned in conflicting ideas about this and at the best are getting stuck in endless academic discussions about the nature of the Divine and our connection with It. Especially those that lead us astray the most in this regard have been blessed with amazing communicational skills that can appease our lost feelings. They exist, as do politicians, sports- and movie stars, and the rich and famous in general, in a complete detachment to the plight of the majority of humanity. But they have been bred and prepared well to distract and mislead the masses.
How can it be that the religions and churches and their representatives are meant to be the representation and expertise in Divine matters when none of them has ever had any personal contact with a divine being and none of them is equipped with any of the qualities that distinguishes a divine master from the rest of us? What makes them a better expert in Divine matters than you? Nothing at all. The less intellectual and mental training you have received, the more likely you will be to re-connect to the Divine. The fewer pre-conceived ideas you hold about your true nature, about the source of your existence, and the realm where you came from, the more likely you will be to free yourself from the mental shackles that prevent our awakening.
Communication through channeling
Another sad aspect of esoteric communication is the field of ‘channeling’. In my understanding there is currently no supernatural form of communication that truly comes from beyond the 3- and 4-dimensional realm that the alien controllers have all of humanity locked up in. The channelings are being used as much as any other form of communication to mislead us.
What would a channeling look like that truly originates from beyond the 3rd and 4th dimensional realm?
Such a channeling would lead us to the interface through which the earthly controllers direct the fate of all of humanity, i.e., the place from which, for example, the C-narrative has been initiated and rolled out worldwide. Such channelings would reveal to us who the earthly controllers are and how they have gotten humanity into the diminished state it exists in now. They would be able to lead their human channels to the place where they could see the exact communications and happenings throughout the past 500 to 5,000 years that made all the deception and deprivation we suffer from possible. Instead, most channelings are meant to appease us, to reassure us that everything is developing perfectly well (when in fact the opposite is true), that there are multiple parallel worlds that we could be transported to if we would just put enough effort into following their advice, or that we can leave this dreadful realm upon our death. Nothing tangible is being revealed though that would allow us to free ourselves from all the deception we have been exposed to.
What about another favorite topic of these misleading channelings, i.e., future incarnations and thereby taking another shot at awakening? Please look at what is being done to newborns these days. Look at all the chemicals in form of vaccinations that are being injected into them, look at the effects that the mRNA injections during the C-years have on future parents and their offspring. The chance to once again reach the level of awareness you have right now will no longer be there the next time around. Today is the best day you will ever be graced with to make your awakening happen. Each further day you wait will diminish your ability, and you will become completely incapable of achieving such a feat should you wait for another run in a future incarnation. Because the goal of the alien controllers is to harvest humanity’s divine spark, to separate it from each of us, and they are on a fast track to achieve this goal.
What would I do, once I am awakened?
As an awakened being I would no longer be limited by time and space. Meaning, I could go back to anywhere in time and witness whatever ‘historic’ event I would want to. So, I would record everything necessary to convince humanity of the true nature of our reality and show to everyone the interface mentioned above. I would use my capabilities to broadcast the events I have witnessed via every available worldly communications channel simultaneously worldwide. I would immediately disable every weapons system worldwide, as well as every source of artificial radio signals by satellites (Starlink) and cell towers. I would disable all installations that are being used to ionize our atmosphere (like HAARP), and so on. I would also dissolve all chemicals being used in food production, and I would let the chemical pharmaceutical system disappear.
I would then impart my state of consciousness to anyone who would be willing to accept it, and they in turn would do the same as I do. We would assist anyone with ailments, we would balance the climate on earth, and heal any poisoning of the environment. I would also remove all politicians from their office and have them replaced temporarily by other awakened and enlightened beings.
One of the traits of an awakened being I have not mentioned so far would be the ability to materialize and dematerialize everything they wish. Since an awakened human being will share this state of being with everybody who is interested, we would not have to worry any longer about anything we might need because anyone could provide everyone with whatever they need.
Currently though, if you would like to get in touch with someone who is supposedly awakened or enlightened, you would first have to make enough money before being able to afford their services. This begs the question if only those people are ‘worthy’ of getting help and assistance from so-called spiritual masters who have mastered this sick alien earthly monetary system to their advantage? What kind of spiritual source would that be that would act in such a way?
I sincerely hope that I got you thinking about Awakening and about the responsibility you have in this regard. Nobody currently is doing this for you and maybe nobody will be doing it for you, unless you yourself take action. And maybe this is why you have found this article and my blog so that you may get in touch with me and others that have joined in on this endeavor already, and so that we can be the ones to finally bring unity consciousness into our realm of being.
This is not about someone becoming a revered teacher or guide for the rest of humanity. It is about all of us stepping into the heritage left to us by the likes of Jesus. Their will be no single being coming to free us, save us, or redeem us. We are the ones that came here to accomplish this. And like I said above, today is the day that you are most likely to be successful with such an endeavor. Every further day will reduce your chances to be successful. So why are you still hesitating?