How did we get to the state of being we are currently finding ourselves in? Is it justified to say that our beingness and the beingness of the world we live in can be attributed to the creational process of a benign well-meaning Divine being? With ingenuous intentions?
In my understanding there is a malicious intent behind the way our world has been created. Or, one might better say, behind the way our world has been manipulated into the state it is presently in.
As we exist behind many veils of distortion, and as our bodily vessels have been manipulated to the extent of our total inability to perceive our surroundings in its totality, we are in our current state incapable to see through this concealment of reality. Because of this we are unable to act in a way that would lead us back to our Divine origin and beyond the maladies that are the cornerstones of the world we exist in.
We could begin our journey out of this fatal situation by asking and answering some fundamental questions, because only then would we be able to prioritize the different ways of how we use our time and what we invest our remaining energy in.
The questions I would suggest to ask are the following:
- Who and what is the God that most of the members of the western religions believe in and are told to believe in?
- Is this God indeed the beneficent creator of our world, or is he a manipulator who has shaped the expression our world has taken? And how did he achieve this?
- For what purpose did an entity that obtained the position of God in our world, enact the manipulations of our realm of being? What is the real goal of this manipulated creation?
When we have found answers to these questions, we will gain a completely new understanding of the (very small) amount of freedom we have had so far in the way we have lived our lives. And we would get closer to the realization that we are almost unable to withdraw from serving the agenda of the one who is called the creator of our world, when he is in fact only the manipulator of it. And we would then be able to make conscious decisions in regards to a redirection of the ways we live our lives.
I am by no means suggesting that there is no God. But I am suggesting that we are stuck with an imposer who re-created our realm of existence in ways that served his hidden intentions and who disconnected our realm of being from our true Source. And I imagine this Divine Source not as a separate being but as a Wholeness, an All-Oneness. Please refer to my other blog articles for more elaborations on the subject of unity consciousness which has been the dominating energy in our universe during most of the time since its inception. The past 5,000 years however have been dominated by dualistic energies, and these made the emergence of such a God-being possible as we have been confronted with during our lives.
So, the questions are:
Who and what is the God that most of the members of the western religions believe in and are told to believe in?
In my understanding this God is an imposter, an authoritarian beingness which has been placed between the Divine and us by alien earth-controlling forces (some call these forces Anunnaki).
Is this God indeed the beneficent creator of our world, or is he a manipulator who has shaped the expression our world has taken? And how did he achieve this?
According to traditional western religion, our world has been created by God about 6.000 years ago. According to science, however, it is way older. How can both be true? Our universe came into being out of the Origin, the Source, the All-Oneness, in its primarily energetic expressions 16.4 billion years ago. The world created by the God-imposter indeed came only into being about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. The God that we think of as the highest Divine authority is in my understanding only the main focal point that the earth-controlling forces implemented and which they were then able to use as their main tool of authority to execute their manipulation of our world.
As for how they achieved this, I would again like to refer you to my previous blog articles and to my book ‘Awakening’ where I go into much more detail in answering these questions. But I will offer some brief explanation here as well.
During the past 5,000 to 6,000 years, multiple earth-wide resets have been enacted by the powers behind the God-being we have talked about above. Each of these resets allowed for massive genetic manipulations in the bodies and physical beingness on earth, and each newly emerging civilization had only a remote memory of things that were before. Their bodies and ability to create and perceive had been enormously downgraded compared to its previous state. The dependency on nourishment increased, the memory of individual previous existences faded, the vulnerability for illnesses increased, and the need for support systems and protective structures (houses etc.) went up. Each time the Earth got re-populated, a new history was being imparted by the earthly controllers, a history which supposedly explained to the earthly population who they were and where they came from. And every time, these stories led humanity further away from any awareness of their true origins. Currently we are finding ourselves in a situation were so many resets have taken place that we live in the most distorted version of civilization that has ever existed. And never before have so many of our original capabilities and traits been eradicated.
Stories about such resets still exist. For example, the Hopi in the US still recall narratives of the endings and beginnings of separate worlds/civilizations that existed on earth. Or you may refer to the Bible for such stories. Look for example at the story of the Tower of Bable. Therein a people is mentioned that wanted to prevent further loss of knowledge and further separation from a higher power through using their remaining capabilities to build the Tower of Bable, which would have reinstated the access of the people to their Divine powers and Divine connection. The controlling powers, that had already begun with their resets and that were already being represented through their installed God-being, had to prevent the success of this endeavor of the people as it would have negated what the controllers had already accomplished with the previous reset (which could have been the Great Flood).
So, they enacted another reset which led to the language confusion among the people. And the language confusion did not refer exclusively to language but to races, age groups, religions, civilizations, and so on. A wholeness had been shattered and scattered in a way that was meant to avoid any attempt to reform it. There had also been the aspect of erasing the intrinsic awareness of our interconnectedness with everything. Because of this, people could be brought to cause harm to many aspects of the organic beingness of our world without realizing what backlash this would have on themselves.
For what purpose did an entity that obtained the position of God in our world, enact the manipulations of our realm of being? What is the real goal of this manipulated creation?
Again, you may find a lot of information in this regard in my other blog articles and my book. We have now gained an understanding about how we ended up living in a world and civilization as we are experiencing right now. What is the purpose of it though?
To find an answer to this question, we need to look at the essence of the nature of the earth-controlling beings. We need to look at what main difference exists between them and us.
We humans are ensouled with a spark of our Divine Source. A Divine spark so to speak, that connects us with the All-One and which allows us to exist beyond the end of the world as we know it. As I have mentioned many times in my articles, during 2011 our universe achieved its completion by recreating unity consciousness and with it our gateway home. Which also meant that the world as we knew it until then would have come to its end. The energies that once enabled duality and separateness to come into existence had by then been transcended by the completion of the final wave, the 9th wave of creation. The controlling beings that took advantage of this duality and used it to take humanity hostage knew – a long time before the final wave of creation began singing its song – that they would not be able to stay in the same beingness they had before. Once unity consciousness would come back into the universe, they would fade into oblivion, as they had not been imbued with their own divine spark and their own connection home. Thus, all those resets, all their manipulation of history, all the genetic interferences (up until today with the injection of genetically altered pharmaceuticals into most members of humanity under a false pretense), were meant to prevent humanity from coming into resonance with the last two waves of creation. Which so far has worked perfectly well for the alien controllers. Even those that claim mastery in metaphysical regards and that bless us almost daily with endless podcasts, videos, workshops, books, and articles, only manage to make it more bearable to exist in this dystopian world, but they neither offer nor have achieved a way to reconnect back to Divine Source or to awaken.
Now, however, those beings that keep us locked in this limited frame of mind still have a last step to accomplish, because they cannot keep this stalemate of our world being disconnected from the rest of the universe active for much longer. They are now implementing the final prerequisites which will then, according to their understanding, enable them to harvest our souls and transfer to themselves the Divine ingredient that is our essence. By that they presume they could become able to continue their existence beyond the end of our current world.
There exist universal laws that in my understanding prevented the All-Oneness to interfere with what has been taking place on earth during the past 6,000 years. I imagine that Jesus had been one of the very few successful attempts of Divine Source to enter our realm of being and to impart a Divine potentiality to humanity that would enable us to free ourselves from the shackles we existed in. A final Divine intervention took place during the previous century, when during the 60’s until the 80’s three waves of volunteer beings/starseeds incarnated into humanity to bring with them the required traits needed to realign humanity and earth with the song of creation, especially during the 8th and 9th waves from 1999 to 2011.
Hopefully many of these volunteer souls still live amongst us. They have not yet managed to fulfill their purpose here on earth, which has however become ever more urgent if you look at what is taking place in the world around you. So, let this be your clarion call. The call to wake up to who you are and to wake up to your task here on earth. The time is now.
Let us join forces and let us go onto our journey of Awakening. And we should always remind ourselves that we came here to do this for all beings on earth, for all of humanity, and for the All-One, so that we all can join in Oneness again.
I am looking forward to making this happen together with you.