In my previous blog posts, I discussed the concept of the 9 creational waves that determined the evolution of our universe from its inception 16.4 billion years ago until the simultaneous completion of all 9 waves in October of 2011. Carl Johan Calleman was able to re-discover the knowledge about these waves through his intense investigation into the Mayan culture and foremost their calendar system.
With the begin of our universe 16.4 billion years ago, an orchestration of creational frequencies began. For the longest time, until 800 million years ago, everything had been very simple and straightforward, as only the sound of the very first creational wave rang through our universe.
With the onset of the second wave, two tunes began to ring simultaneously, but the song they performed still only changed its melody in extremely long intervals, to the changes of the 13 cycles (days and nights) of the 2nd wave. One could say it was still a simple melody.
With every consecutive wave though, an ever more complex melody sounded through our universe and allowed for the creation of ever more variable and complex expressions. The preparation for the world as we know it today began in earnest during the 5th wave of creation, which began 100 thousand years ago. Only then the final prerequisites were set which allowed for a denser presence of consciousness in the universe. By then the melody of the creational waves had become a more complex artwork, and the respective frequencies and vibrations allowed for ever faster creations to come into being and to continue to develop. All this happened under the auspices of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which I presume is an underlying force emanating from the first wave of creation, leading to ever more separation and – in terms of complexity and perfection – to a devolution.
A game-changing new tune arose with the onset of the 6th wave of creation, the wave that the Mayans called the Long Count and which is popularly known as the Mayan Calendar.
In my understanding, this wave became game-changing as it built and established the realm of existence (together with the 7th wave) that was the purpose for the creation of our universe in the first place. A space which allowed for a temporary separation from the All-One and for the experience of individuality and duality.
As the frequency of each new wave became the dominant creational force (if you recall, each consecutive wave began during the 7th day of its preceding wave), the 6th wave immediately led to the emergence of duality as the dominating power and energy determining our world. Nearly everyone today believes that duality has been a given since the beginning of our universe, and they transfer this belief also to their imagination of any higher realm beyond our three-dimensional world.
This is understandable, because with the beginning of the 6th wave duality became the driving force everywhere in our universe and in all dimensions our universe contains. And it is also understandable because by the time many of us were born during the past century, duality had been forming any aspect of the world we found ourselves in.
However, of the 9 creational waves of the universe, the 1st, 5th, and 9th waves have been characterized by unity consciousness and not by duality consciousness. As we have discussed above, the first wave dominated the energetic dynamic of our universe for the first 15.6 billion years, and then the 5th wave, the predecessor of duality, had been the dominating force from 100,000 thousand years ago until 5,000 years ago. Therefore, unity consciousness has been the dominating force in our universe and not duality. Duality has been a temporary state of being to enable certain specific experiences.
As I have explained in my book and in previous blog articles, with the onset of the 8th wave of creation in 1999, energies were set in motion to get us ready for our journey home which was supposed to happen during the duration of the 9th wave in 2011. A new melody tentatively began to add to the creational symphony of our universe in January of 1999. The coming of this new melody had been felt already from the end of the 80’s and into the 90’s of the past century, and it had led many people to investigate spiritual teachings and techniques as they felt some new force arising around and within them.
Shortly after this new melody came into being though, the earth-dominating and controlling forces (which came into being during the 6th and 7th wave and realized that they wouldn’t be able to extend their form of existence into the 9th wave) hijacked the energies of the 8th wave by directing them away from an inner awakening of humanity into an external ‘awakening’ through technology like smart phones, computers, digitalization, AI, and so on. Prior to this, these forces took care of taking over control of this realm by manipulating and interfering with our human bodies, languages, memories, and ways of expression in such a way that we would not easily, if at all be able to attune to the song and vibration of the 8th wave of creation. On top of this, certain traumatizing events were enacted early on during the 8th wave, events that would lock away any arising awareness of the true meaning of these newly emerging creational energies. See for example the demolition of the WTC in 2001 and the following wars and enforced restrictions on so many levels.
So, with the beginning of the 8th wave we really got out of tune with creation. Due to this, and this was the whole purpose of getting us out of tune, we weren’t able at all to hear, listen to, and follow our call back home intonated so beautifully by the 9th wave of creation. Time is running out for us to wake up to this reality and to begin to tune in to the beauty of the 9th wave, instead of defending the utter distortions that are being forced upon us these days.
Think of this most beautiful melody of the 9th wave as a flute player playing his melody during the highlight of a heavy metal concert. I can try to make you aware of this flute player as much as I want (if I am able at all to catch your attention through the deafening noise), but you will not be able to hear his sound. This is what has been happening during the past decades, as we have been locked away in a frequency fence of proportions that dwarf my example above. Each radio signal, wireless, radar, or electromagnetic field radiation adds to this frequency fence that is distorting our perception in terrible ways. Many people currently direct their hope onto the new president-elect of the US as their savior from the many maladies inflicting us. But look at one of the most prominent figures in his new administration, Elon Musk. He is the one working on the final completion of the frequency fence that is meant to forever prevent us from getting into resonance with the 9th wave of creation, by littering the sky above with so many radiating satellites that you will no longer be able to find any safe and radiation-free place on earth. This is obviously done to completely sever our connection to the Divine. Meanwhile, we are supposed to remain hopeful and complacent for a little while longer, until the trap has been nailed shut.
Because of all these artificial frequencies and being out of sync with creation, we are existing in a dysfunctional and distorted reality. Wherever we turn, we won’t be getting a reprieve from this dysfunctionality. Strangely enough, those that have become utterly dysfunctional themselves get along best in such an environment, and they are being used as the human front of the earth-controlling powers to make sure that their plans are being implemented accordingly. You will find them in government, and as the ones running NGOs like the UNO, the WHO, and so on, and of course as the ones running the other financial and industrial systems on earth. They are able to resonate well with the distorted energies and thus are able to maintain them, especially through the process of digitalization and computerization of our world (smart devices, smart intelligence, smart appliances).
If you would like to gain a deeper understanding of how intensively some of us are being affected by the multitude of radio waves around us, I recommend reading the book ‘All EMF*d Up’ by Anne Mills, Redwood Portal Publishing, 2019. Anne’s husband had been transferred by his employer from California to Bavaria/Germany, and Ann accompanied him there. They moved into a tiny remote village in Bavaria. Soon after moving there Anne began to experience intense health issues, headaches, dizziness, sleeplessness, and bleeding leading even to occurrences where she collapsed to the ground and was unable to move. Investigations into the possible cause led to a barn a few 100 feet from their home where some radio antennas had been affixed. Further extensive research revealed that they had been put there by US authorities for some experimental use and for data transmission, which happened mostly at night. It became apparent that these antennas operated beyond any legal bounds, but officially no action against this could be taken. Anne and her husband then moved to another village, but the damage had been done and Anne became something like the canary in the coal mine. She had developed an irrevocable sensitivity to radio waves of any kind. She could only feel well when almost no radio waves were present. Through the coming years and after their return to California, Ann’s husband had to regularly purchase ever more sensitive detectors for radio waves to make sure that Ann would only go to places where she wouldn’t be exposed to harmful radio waves. The constant increase in new and different radio waves everywhere made the purchase of ever more sensitive detectors necessary. While you and I might not show any of the symptoms Ann suffered from, these radio waves affect us detrimentally nevertheless. And the impact they have on all of us is, that they distort or block our perception of the Divine song of creation, especially affecting our ability to absorb the tunes of the 9th wave of creation. Being aware of these harmful frequencies and their effects goes a long way to creating and protecting the necessary space we need for our awakening.
What we need to achieve first, before we can seriously enter the process of our awakening, is to detach us as best we can from our currently distorted perception of the reality we presently exist in. We will not be able to achieve this during a multiple-day or weeklong workshop. And we will not be able to get closer to this if we keep staying connected with the lives we are presently leading, especially with the ways we earn our income. We will need to create a transitional space and place that begins in this distorted world and ends in the world and symphony of the 9th wave of creation. This melody must play in our being and our bodies and then will sound back into the world we embarked from at the beginning of our journey. We have to build the bridge from the reality we are currently in to the energies that define the completion of creation as it was meant to be achieved in 2011.
In future blog posts, I will delve further into the reasons how our realm of being has been prepared in many ways that caused our complete incapability to even express accordingly where we are, who we are, and where we are meant to go. What has been left for us is the leading of endless discussions, the need to find comfortable ways of making money, the capability to exclude certain perceptions from our awareness so we can justify our way of living, and so on. But we are currently incapable of consciously perceiving what we cause to ourselves and others with the way we lead our lives.
As you may imagine, beside the respective awareness that our group must achieve, we will also need the financial means to make our project of awakening happen, particularly in light of the time span we need for the group to accomplish the task of awakening (i.e., at least 6 months availability of a secluded location). Therefore, one of the prerequisites for the establishment of our group must be to find a financial benefactor who might or might not join the group but understands the importance of our doing. This might be achieved by a group effort and with a joint dedication of our whole being to this purpose. If you feel that this is what you are being called to now, please get in touch with me so that we can begin the realization of our awakening and the reconnection of the song of creation into our world.
I hope to see you soon.