Life on the conveyor belt

Life on the conveyor belt

Imagine a conveyor belt of gigantic proportions. It is as long and wide as it needs to be to accommodate all living humans living on earth at any given moment. The conveyor belt moves slowly through time.

At its beginning, newborns are being placed on the conveyor belt, while at its end the deceased are being dropped off into a void. The conveyor belt is merciless, as it begins to transport every newborn human being towards their death. This process begins right after their birth.

On this conveyor belt, certain rules have been established for its riders. From day 1 of their ‘life’, they must secure food, shelter, clothing, temperature control and many other things to be able to maintain their surroundings and sustain their bodies. None of this is being provided for free, it must be obtained according to the rules that have been set up for everybody on the conveyor belt by its creators. The rules include the obligation for the riders to generate enough money to sustain themselves, but also things like vaccinations, registrations, contracts, participation in mandatory education, and many more.

To prevent the riders on the conveyor belt to think too much about their situation and why they are on that conveyor belt in the first place, a huge amount of distractions has been established and created, including so-called cultural values, and more rules.

The need to ensure the daily essentials for your survival require the mandatory participation and subordination under the rules set by the creators of the conveyor belt. In this way, most of your time is being confiscated without you having the freedom to use it otherwise.

The longer your ride on the conveyor belt lasts, the more your body, mind, and spirit are wearing off. From a certain point on, every older generation realizes that it has become isolated from the youth. The elders have used up too much of their life force and are no longer of any interest to the younger generations. To them, they are old and should stay amongst themselves except for some superficial social encounters. In their opinion, older people cannot relate anymore to the interests and endeavors of the younger generations.

The longer one’s ride goes on, the more one begins to realize how the conveyor belt seems to be moving ever faster to the portion near the end. And suddenly the realization dawns that life has passed one by without one really noticing. And then the questions come. What has been the meaning of my life? What deeper sense made it that I went through experiences and motions that billions before me went through and billions more will go through after me? Wasn’t there ever a way to get off this conveyor belt on my own terms, or will there ever be? Is it a God-given thing that everyone has to ride on this conveyor belt with all its rules and limitations and, most of all, with the forced falling off at the end?

To make it short

The conveyor belt is a way to describe the reality in which humanity has been trapped. This trap includes the way our bodies have been deliberately designed, our dependency on a constant supply of essentials, our vulnerability against the elements of nature, our limited way of perceiving reality, our limited way of expressing ourselves creatively, and so on.

This form of reality has been created throughout the past 6 to 10 thousand years, using multiple earth-wide disasters to devolve the human body, and to eventually shut down any memory of our true origin and our divine spark and what we can do with this spark.

Humanity, riding on the conveyor belt, was no longer able to reconnect with their divine origin and their soul families. Even after falling off the conveyor belt at its end, human beings could not be reached by their divine source, since the creators of the conveyor belt had devised of a mechanism that would trap the souls of the deceased in a karmic loop and force them to go back right to the beginning of the conveyor belt as a newborn. This mechanism is by some called 4D.

To help humanity, Divine Source sent 3 groups of volunteer souls out of their own family of celestial beings down as humans onto the conveyor belt, subjecting them thereby to the same rules that all of humanity had to live by. These souls incarnated from the late Fifties to the mid Eighties of the last century. They were meant to reconnect the trapped human beings on the conveyor belt back to the creational energies of the universe, and by this to their own inherent creational energies, by the year 2012.

As you may have noticed, no major change seemed to have happened in the world since then, except that within the past 4 years, one supposed threat after the other “suddenly” arose that required ever more drastic interventions and restrictions of humanity’s freedom.

Time is running out for those 3 groups of volunteer souls to fulfill their mission here on the conveyor belt called Earth. This is why I wrote my book ‘Awakening’ which is meant as a clarion call. A clarion call to the volunteer souls but also to everyone else, a clarion call to face the deception and the many manipulations that brought us to where we are right now – and which have become so obvious throughout the past 4 years.

If you feel that you would like to do something to get us off the conveyor belt and back to our divine origin, then you might want to read through my book Awakening and open your eyes and become able to finally awaken.

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