The Bodily Gateway

The Bodily Gateway

You have probably heard a lot about the supposed meaning of life, where you came from, and where you go to after death, depending on your upbringing and your later studies in life.

What most people come to agree upon is that salvation comes after death and then, depending on your esoteric or religious background, either better times come … or no times at all.

Is that so? I like to suggest that this is not the case. Not at all.

The gateway back home lies within the living physical body. And only while being incarnated can we use the key that has been left within the physical body by its creators to open the door back to the source of our being.

Enforced reincarnation

In these times, the realm beyond the physical that earthbound humanity can access is being controlled by the ones who have created the bodily prison we are currently residing in. From this realm beyond the physical, which some call 4D, each soul/earthbound divine human being is immediately sent back into the next forced incarnation after death. The gateway to the divine light, to Divine Source, is active and operational while being fused with the physical body. It is being misused by the controllers of our earthly realm through mind programming and mind control, by making humanity create their own prison. The controllers’ ultimate goal is to be able to use this gateway to connect themselves with the universal source of being and creation, thereby to avoid the effects of the second law of thermodynamics, and at the same time to dispose of everything divine that the living world of Gaia is composed of – most of all, of humanity. We have now almost arrived at this point.

So even if your esoteric and spiritual sources reassure you that there are many promising ways out of this earthly realm towards a higher vibrational realm, this is not the case for most of earthbound humanity. There are volunteer souls among us at this time, who incarnated here with the purpose to awaken humanity so that they remember who they are and where they came from. These volunteer souls might be able to go directly back after death to the higher vibrational realms that they came from before incarnating. The controllers of this realm even appreciate this since in this way they can get rid of the volunteer souls on earth who might otherwise interfere with their plans.

Your own process of ascension to a higher vibrational realm is only possible while being incarnated, by reconnecting with your inner gateway, the pineal gland, and by using this bodily gateway to journey back home. That is why so much effort is being undertaken to disconnect you and your consciousness from accessing this ability.

The integrity and innate intelligence of the human body

The very first thing is to do everything you can to protect and care for your body. This should be done mentally and physically, by defending yourself against all efforts to harm the integrity of your physical and ethereal bodies. 

It is an important step to make an effort to understand what is being discussed here, so that you alert your bodily intelligence to this utmost importance of your body in regards to your capability to reconnect with Source and to finally escape the prison you have existed in for eons. Thereby you can avoid and prevent the continuation of the plan of the earthly controllers. If you signal this understanding to your bodily intelligence, it will be able to access and redirect your creational powers to fully protect you and your body against any outer interference and harm. It is important that you really mean it from the bottom of your heart and that you immediately begin taking steps to disconnect from the earthly systems that have only been established to capture your spirit. To take better care of your body and to enable it to protect its integrity, movement in nature and exercises like Hatha yoga help a lot, as does the intake of good quality nutritional supplements.

If you feel or hear an inner calling that now might be the time for you to embark on your journey back home, and if you want to learn more about what you can do in this regard, I would like to invite you to join our awakening community which is based on my book Awakening – Unraveling the deception hidden in our reality and the way back home. This group is about activating our pineal gland and to gain access to the realm that will allow for our ascension in the body. I hope to meet you there.

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