Trapped by the frequency fence and helplessly exposed to the turn-off button

Trapped by the frequency fence and helplessly exposed to the turn-off button

I guess that, in the last couple of years, you have been reading, hearing, and watching the most diverse information regarding our impending ascension into higher vibrational existences or realities. However, have you ever met someone exhibiting traits that show that they have gotten somewhat closer to their own awakening or ascension?

Well, one way to recognize someone having accomplished this would be that they would neither charge any money for helping someone else nor would they be restricted by any time limits, i.e., they would be able to help others immediately and simultaneously. Isn’t it so that these days, fewer and fewer people who suffer the increasing weight of daily life can afford the ever-rising fees of those that claim to provide help in the alternative, esoteric, and spiritual field? And isn’t it so that ever more of those that offer such help do everything possible themselves to escape the life and environment their clients need to stay in? Because only if their clients keep staying in this dysfunctional society can they generate the money needed to pay for the services of these spiritual healers. This cannot end well.

What does that have to do with the above headline?

First and foremost, our awakening and subsequent ascension requires to get into resonance with the current higher-vibrating frequencies of the universe, as was discussed in my previous blog post Does it help to study spiritual wisdom from decades and centuries ago? The universal frequencies have significantly changed in 1999 (favoring such capabilities as telepathy and getting into vibrational resonance with the subtle realm of our physical creation), and even more so in 2011. Since 2011, the universal frequencies allow for everyone to directly connect with Source and to reconnect with the full spectrum of their creational powers. Every aspect (individual being) of the All is inherently one with these powers. Up until 1999, our reality was dominated by universal energies that allowed for various experiences of separation from the All, and thus for the development of a separate individual consciousness. Now these unique experiences gathered prior to 1999 need to become incorporated into the universal All, into Source.

To be able to accomplish this, we need to become capable to tune in to these creational vibrations that have come into existence since 1999. But something or someone does not want us to do this and blocks us. This blocking is being achieved by a frequency prison that all of the earthly realm and its inhabitants have been locked into.

Exposure to consciousness-inhibiting frequencies

I have noticed that prior to 1999, it was normal for me to dream and to recall multiple vivid dreams every night. Since then, this has changed significantly and both the frequency and the quality of my dreams as well as my ability to recall them has been greatly diminished. The same applies to the quality of esoteric workshops and spiritual experiences.

What are we being exposed to daily? WLAN, cellphone signals, smart meter signals, radar from assistance systems in vehicles, 3G, 4G, 5G-signals, GPS, TV and radio signals, Starlink, and so on and on. Imagine the contents that all these signals transport. Imagine that your subtle bodies and your physical body as well are constantly bombarded and hammered by these signals 24/7. There is hardly an opportunity anymore to hear the voice of the Divine through all this noisiness. And of course, the messages we constantly ingest by using our digital devices carry vibrational footprints that affect us beyond our conscious perception. An individual dialogue with our Higher Self and the Divine is no longer possible under such circumstances.

What do I mean by the turn off button? 

Not only in the way described above, but also with the need to supply ourselves with all necessities of our physical life, we have been made completely dependent on the digital world. Hence, we can be literally turned off, by switching off the digital world from the outside. And this could easily be done at any given moment by the powers that control our realm of being where we are finding ourselves trapped in.

There is only one way to free ourselves out of this (digital) vibrational prison. Namely, by bringing ourselves into resonance with the vibrational qualities the universe has been activating since 1999 and 2011. As soon as we begin to resonate with these frequencies, we will be able to perceive and access our inherent creational powers. Then we will be immediately and fully independent from every and all ‘systems’ which have been established in the world we were born into. These systems then become completely obsolete in all regards.

There is nobody who will do this for you at this moment. At least not before someone, one single human being, has been successful in accomplishing this feat. If you are interested in embarking onto such an endeavor and in learning about how this might be accomplished, I would be happy to meet you in my book Awakening: Unraveling the deception hidden in our reality and the way back home

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