This is what I envision with this book . . .

That we join forces together and make our awakening happen. For us, for all of humanity, and for all living beings on earth. That we reconnect with the All-One — the All-Oneness from where we all once embarked on our journey through life.

Rise & Shine!

Join me on this journey of discovery . . .

It is time to remember your true being. It is time to break free from limiting thought constructs and connect with the quantum field of unlimited possibilities.

It’s time to awaken . . .


We are all facing the most exciting moments of all time, and it is important that we do not miss this great event. If we open to the world of our origin, our true being now, then we will be right up front and take as many people as possible with us on this journey.

Preface for the English language edition

About a year ago, on August 29, 2022, I have self-published my book ‘Erwachen’ in German language. Shortly afterwards, the idea arose to also publish an English language version which now has finally been finished. It took my wife and me about 4 months to complete the translation and to get this version ready to publish.

I have spent part of my life residing in Canada and the US. What became obvious to me is, that in North America people are much more open and willing to allow for controversial topics and thoughts to be discussed. In Germany, the mainstream agenda is deeply ingrained into the thought processes of the vast majority of the populace, and thus it is difficult to find an audience of open-minded people for any approach to the general idea of reality that diverts from the traditional ways of understanding.

In ‘Awakening’, I want to invite you on a journey, beginning in Part 1 with my own life’s path and then leading in Part 2 to the insights that I have gained along the way. Insights regarding what is happening on earth, who we are, where we have come from, where we are meant to go, and how most urgent it has become that we step into our true self and awaken to it.

Looking at how government, science, education, and media are nowadays jointly pushing one artificially implemented worldwide narrative after another upon humanity, it becomes ever more urgent to free oneself from these all-encompassing clutches. First, we need to take a close look at what is happening and how, which will give us an understanding about where this is supposed to lead and what humanity’s role in this is supposed to be. My impression is that for the most part, we have not yet faced reality head-on. And because of that, we look for solutions within a system that has been built so that no solution can be found within it that can free ourselves from it. So, at best we are running in circles or move to more remote areas of our prison. Once we have faced reality as it is, we can embark on a path which will lead us to where we were meant to go when entering this incarnation on earth. 

This is what I envision with this book. That we join forces together and make our awakening happen. For us, for all of humanity, and for all living beings on earth. That we reconnect with the All-One. The All-Oneness from were we all once embarked on our journey through life. Part 3 of this book will be providing suggestions and ideas as to how we can accomplish this together.

So, let’s get going and hopefully we will meet soon to bring this book to life in a practical way.

Encarnacion, Paraguay, July 1, 2023

About Stefan Becker

Traveler. Writer. Teacher. Explorer.

Stefan Becker


Stefan Becker has been dealing with diverse spiritual and esoteric topics for over 25 years. He has completed trainings in analytical dream work, yoga, and reiki and has intensively studied the Mayan calendar and the influence of extraterrestrial forces on the earth’s development. His search for an understanding of the powers that control the earthly level of existence led him from Germany to Canada, Mexico, Paraguay, and the USA.

I intensely studied the work and books of Carl Johan Calleman regarding the Mayan Calendar, the books of Barbara Hand Clow, Dolores Cannon, Nigel Kerner, Jan Erik Sigdell, Elana Freeland, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Frank Waters, John Lamb Lash, C.G. Jung’s archetypal astrology, a series of lectures by Marvin Anderson/minister at Unity Church of Vancouver, BC, and many others. I also participated in several workshops of family constellations based on Bert Hellinger, as well as an Art Reade seminar dealing with personal and spiritual empowerment.

Besides my extensive reading about many related topics, I traveled to a number of spiritually significant places like Mount Shasta, CA; the volcano Haleakala on Maui, HI; Sedona, AZ; and the Mayan pyramid of Chichen Itza, MX, among others. In Mexico, I underwent a past life regression via QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) as developed by Dolores Cannon.

All of this — all of these experiences — play an important role in my writing, as you will discover in my book.

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